Day with Austin

Finally the movie ended, and as the lights went on, I realized I was gripping onto Austin's forearm. I quickly let go, and took off and handed him his jacket. I picked up our trash and he replaced his mask and baseball cap. We walked out of the theater together, and I threw away our trash. Austin went to the bathroom and I waited for him in the hall. He walked out and we left the movie theater, "Do you want to go to the arcade?", he asked me with a smile. "Sure!", I replied enthusiastically. We walked to an arcade near the train station. When we got inside we both took out twenty dollars and changed them into coins. The first thing I saw that I wanted was a husky dog plush, with a red and white striped bandana. I put coins in and after a few more tries I decided to quit and not waste all of my money. "Here let me try.", Austin said from behind me. I moved out of the way, and he put a coin in the claw machine. After two tries the plushie finally landed in the bin, and he handed it to me. "Tha- Thanks.", I stuttered, as I held it. I heard Austin laugh again, and felt him pat my head.

We got a few more prizes at the arcade before we decided to go out and eat. Austin said he knew a good place, so I just let him take me there. It was a sushi restaurant, and we tried many different kinds they had to offer. It was very good and I decided to remember the name to come back later. I went to settle the bill, but Austin stopped me, and he paid for the food instead. "You should've let me pay, you already paid for the snacks at the movie.", I complained as we left the restaurant. He laughed, patted my head again, and told me not to worry about it. "Haha, stop pouting, I'll let you pay next time. It's getting late let me take you home.", he said. "Okay", I sighed, and he grabbed my hand and walked me in the direction of my house. He never let go of my hand, and I could feel my face getting a bit red. I still held on to the dog plushy he got me, while he had a bag of the other prizes. When we arrived at my house he got out my prizes and handed them to me. I took them, and headed inside as I waved goodbye to him. I saw him wave back before walking off.

As I entered the dining room I heard my mom teasingly say, "That boy again? I thought you were with Denton? Did you lie so you could go on a date?" I turned and saw her smiling while putting away groceries."No, we were just hanging out since Denton couldn't show up." , I replied still feeling the redness in my cheeks. "Uh huh, of course. And what are those then?", she said while smirking and pointing at the stuffed animal prizes. "Nothing we just went to the arcade.", I told her without making eye contact. She giggled, "I'm just messing with you sweetie."