Catching feelings

I woke up a bit confused because I wasn't in my own room. I feel arms around my waist and hair touching my neck. I look in front of me to see a wide chest, and I remember I slept over at Austin's place. Our legs are tangled together, and I can feel his chest go up and down from his breathing. He's not awake yet, and since it is still early I decide to go back to sleep. I move closer to his chest and the sound of his continuous breathing lulls me back to sleep.

I woke up again a few hours later. Austin is still cuddled up to me, but this time he was awake. He looked at me and smiled a little as I rubbed my eyes. I feel my face get flushed because his deep red hair was messy and a big unruly, yet it seemed to only enhance his charm. His blue eyes looked at me playfully before he asked, "Why so red?" He asked teasing me, as he reached out and cupped my cheek. I just turned around and buried my face into the pillow. It didn't really help since his pillow smelled just like him. "Come on I'm just teasing." , he whined and pulled me closer. "I also didn't know you had tattoos.", he continued. I turned back around and saw the sleeve of my shirt pulled up. "Mmm, yeah I do.", I replied sleepily. He held my forearm and held it close to him, as he studied the tattoos on the area. I had a large hummingbird tattoo on that forearm to represent my mother, since it is her favorite animal. "It's nice, I like them.", he told me genuinely. I could feel my face getting hot once again, from his constant attention. I don't know why my heart beats so loudly whenever Austin does things like this. But right now there was no exception, my heart practically leaped out of my chest.

I think Austin noticed I was flustered, because he pulled me closer again, this time all the way against his chest. He placed his chin on my head and said, "I can't handle it when you look at me like that, Noah." "Hmm.", I hum in confusion. "That look as if you would rather stare at me all day, than do anything else." , he continued. I didn't respond to him and just hid my red face in his chest. Do I like Austin?, I thought. A thousand things rush through my head, and I came to a conclusion, I really do like Austin. When did I start feeling this way?