Chapter 29: The Sleeping Hollowed Spirits

"I. Hate. This."

Zazel was wearing the equivalent of a plethora of puffy frills and silk garbs that tried to copy directly from the nephew himself. The Card Magician and the smog-like monster could barely contained their laughter, as Zazel adjusted the clothing to allow him to move easier, feeling like he looked ridiculous in this outfit. "Well, you DID said you were gonna solve this by yourself, right? I would help...buuuuuuuut." Harvard would state, primarily as a form of Payback for being smacked upside the head, and for added bonus of being a prank that would work without fail against opposition. Zazel would sigh, knowing this was probably the best decision made, considering the restrictions they hold for themselves.

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.." He'd start, as he would cast one of the cards granted to him by Harvard, having Zazel multiply himself into 4 versions of himself, with Harvard providing one of such clones with his clothes, making that specific clone act as a witness and spy. "I'm only letting this slide because its payback with the Wake-Up call I did. Next time though? I'm getting you back for this." The original Zazel was being somewhat pouty as he'd get out, sigils to hold him up into the air, letting them glow a strong color, as well as letting his clones do the exact same thing, acting as beacons to shine around the kingdom of Oaking. Through sounds and knocks, the residents would slowly awake themselves from their slumber, being met with an ethereal glow that shined through their windows, their doors, their hole-ridden walls if they had any. their first sight when waking up would be a sight they wouldn't forget.

By their point of view, they could see the Nephew of the Noble, covered in black through the night sky, circles of red, blue, and yellow emitting from below them with archaic symbols, only met with red eyes that stared at them back. The figures did nothing, as they endlessly wander the chill, dark air that was nighttime, the residents being unable to look away. More sounds can be heard from nearby, with them thinking that there were more than just the floating three that stand watch. Word would spread out, albeit faintly. Some would try to gain evidence through rough sketches of what they've seen. Some tried to call others and wake them up just the same to make them view such a splendor. Some even tried to talk directly to the humanoids, yet no answer was recalled back.

This was Zazel's plan. Awareness. By having more eyes upon the scene, acting as the Nephew, not only would it distract the public from Harvard's incident, but gives him a chance at finding the very murderer who slaughtered the Nobles so long ago. It was coming together swiftly, and it was coming together smoothly. As the demon continued to wander, his clones scattered and taking in different directions, more and more people begin to recognize the outfit, unable to see who was wearing it due to himself directly being camouflaged within the night sky. He was like a ninja, only using the outfit to garner attention, and leaving the demon donning it out of the equation. Soon, Law enforcement came, guards being awoken and on duty as they received word regarding the ghoulish creature walking amidst the air.

Shouts and cries were heard, yet fell upon deaf ears as the figures kept walking aimlessly. The Guards didn't knew what to do, as while they could be able to attack, they don't know if the figures were deemed as a threat. They keep their stand nonetheless, unwilling to take a chance in regards to the creatures being hostile or not. Zazel, being hidden among the streets, scavenged across the land, keeping an eye out for any individuals out of place. It wouldn't be long before he found someone in specific. A group of individuals, all with tattered robes, wrinkling skin, most of which concealed their face. Supposedly, the elderly...except for one. Zazel couldn't see it directly, which meant he needed to get a bit closer, though it would risk him being exposed to such an individual. Had the other men who paid attention to more the show than to himself, he would be seen, and the results would've been catastrophic. When he got close, He'd see such an individual had absolutely clear skin, the wrinkles being drawn in detail instead. Moreover, the individual's eyes were scanning out the very body, allowing Zazel to see easier details, such as his very hair: Spiky in every corner of his head, flattened in order to fit inside the hood.

This was it! This was one of the suspects!

And such a Subject immediately fled the very scene into the shadows, most likely to investigate further. Zazel would simply trail him, as words were spreading around like wildfire regarding the event.

"Who is that thing??" One would ask

"Is it...what we think it is?"

"Oh god, It is! The clothes match up with the Nephew! Its his soul! Its gonna punish us all!!!" The individual's voice was dramatic, and was smacked upside the head by an elder woman.

"PIPE DOWN THERE, SONNY! Geez. Besides, they're just walking around!"

Zazel ventured further as he followed the individual in question, hearing more discussions regarding the walking figures above.

"What are they even doing here? I thought they were long since dead!"

"You mean to tell me you DON'T know what Ghosts do?? They haunt things, you big oaf!"

"Who are you calling a Big Oaf!?" The two ended up being in a scuffle, to which a third individual tried to break the fight apart and added his own words.

"Whatever it's doing, its clearly trying to get a rise out of us. Just head back inside and-"

"HEY! WATCH THE HANDS!" A Punch was delivered, but the third individual simply caught that fist and broke his wrist in half, causing the instigator to scream bloody murder. Zazel kept trailing, and it seemed like the suspect was heading to a Tavern. The very Tavern that they were staying at.