Chapter 41: One Man Army

Dawn was shining. A Kingdom hidden deep within the dunes. A Kingdom made up of solid Iron and Steel. A Kingdom that looked like a claw extending outwards to the very sky. Towers that once served as the kingdom's water supply due to the nature of the desert, all in a cold temperature to refresh someone. Such towers converted themselves into gasoline and oil, to power the city itself in different ways. This was a kingdom once owned by a man. A Tyrant with a black robe, having white lining on its sides. A Bastard with a red crown that had jagged edges, and a scepter with a spear-like edge at its tip. A Man with a full black beard, scars across his face, and solid grey boots to match his kingdom. Whenever the man smiled, it showed his iron teeth, three molars and two canine teeth made up of such a material. He'd look down to the people who served under his rule: His Soldiers. No matter how short or tall, no matter how frail or strong, no matter how old or young, they are his units. His battalion. His Army.

Two soldiers in specific would be seen resting atop of the steel walls. The Guardsman of this shining location. One was stout that wore two metallic gauntlets, while another was lean with a crooked face. The Crooked man would be the first to wake up, rubbing his tired eyes and looking at his sides, noticing a figure coming in from a distance. He'd tap his associate to wake them up and pulled out a spyglass to see who was coming. The individual seemed to be a man. A Cowboy. A Man riding a robotic horse made up of solid bronze and brass, held by iron wiring and being strangely malleable. The man had his appearance hidden, only showing a black Cattleman hat and dark cape. Such details were minor, but they were all enough for the Crooked man to realize what was going on. "ITS HIM! It's Ennio!! Raise the bridge, Gather the men! Do not let this man enter inside!!" His warning came like a bullet, signaling every other citizen to try and arm themselves, some raising the bridge as stated to prevent further entry, as the Guardsman tried to take aim.

Ennio merely held the harness that was on the horse hard, and had a kick done to its side, allowing the mechanical creation to shape itself into a different vehicle: A Motorcycle. The harness became handlebars to power its engine. The Legs became wheels which went through the sand with little issues. The Horse's eyes became headlights, its stomach and heart now acting as the engine, as it roared loudly and boosted him directly towards the kingdom. The Drawbridge was a few meters away from being closed, so Ennio caused the engine to go full throttle, lifting the bike itself to land its jump to secure the entrance. By just a mere inch, Ennio was able to make it. Had he be an inch late, he would've suffered damage and got himself killed upon the Drawbridge itself. When he landed in such grounds, he didn't wasted a single second and powered the engine once more, sending him around the area, with the guardsmen following behind. Ennio took upon his sights at the structure of the kingdom itself, guns in hand, as he'd try to hold himself steady.

"STOP! STOP, INVADER!! CEASE YOURSELF, IN THE NAME OF THE KING!" They shouted. Ennio did not listen, as he went to fire upon the structure itself, having his body hold on from the recoil to strike at the water towers themselves. As the Guardsman saw the attacks made, they struck back. Some using weapons to try and shoot the wheels, but to no avail. Some tried to shoot at Ennio, himself, and while one looked like it did struck him, Ennio merely used such a cape to block against the attack, being made up of the same material. The Stout figure was quick on making a strategy, casting his magic through the sand by stabbing into the ground with his gauntlets to create shapes and constructs from it, acting as obstacles to force Ennio to bob and weave around it. Ennio adapted, by causing his motorcycle to hold upon his feet and legs as it drives itself, being autopilot as he raised himself up high and kept firing, having some of his bullets aimed towards the guardsman that are chasing after the cowboy, swift headshots to take them down.

By this point, 3 to 4 water tanks would be dented and damaged, but not fully exposing the very contents within it. The Crooked man would note this and inform the rest of his troops. "BRACE FOR IMPACT!! HE'S GONNA TRY TO DROWN US!! STOP HIM BEFORE HE SHOOTS MORE OF THE TANKS!!" The Stout man made another idea and caused the very sand to sink itself in, the Guardsman nearby grabbing ahold of the steel so as to not be sunk into. Due to such a sinking-like effect, the Motorcycle would have one of it's wheels trapped and throwing itself upon the dunes, forcing Ennio to detach himself from his ride, and following the same directions.

"Should've taken out that Sand Magic user, first.." He'd mumble to himself, having his bullets be fired and sniping the stout man from his distance, ranging it to around 50 or so meters. Because of this deterrence, however, he was now face to face with the very soldiers themselves. He wasn't going down without a fight, however. Donning the guns he used upon his arms, making them into makeshift gauntlets of his own, he'd face off against the Army head on.

They attacked from all sides, from behind and to his front, to his left and right, to even angles that he wasn't able to see. Ennio merely ran through such a hailstorm of projectiles, his cape being damaged by the second, as he struck them down one by one. One by one, his bullets met the Guardsmen's skin. One by one, he blasted them down with his bare hands, aiming for punches to the stomach and chest to cause massive damage, while using their bodies as shields from further attacks. Ennio was quick to notice that, aside from the one that controlled the terrain itself, they weren't trying to use magic in the slightest, rather primitive weapons such as swords, knives, maces, spears, and javelins. It quickly had him realize that something was off. It also made him realize who was behind it, as a snicker sounded his arrival. One by one, the army built by the tyrant was brought down like flies, with the bodies pushed away by said tyrant, as he meets face to face with Ennio himself.

"Well, Well, Well...if it isn't the Western Man himself."

"Same goes to you...Dorion." Ennio merely had a grimace as he stared with anger upon his eyes, contempt upon his voice.