Chapter 66: World of Man

"Aww c'mon, Mama! Why can't I explore outside?"

The utterance of a 6 year old Stolas stood, his mother holding him by her side as they were reading a story. A Story of a man who ventured across the depths of hell to rescue his one true love. The mother clearly showed age with her crows feet eyes, yet her figure still remained flawless, resting Stolas amidst her lap. "Now, now, my owl. One can't simply just explore outside, y'now? Much too dangerous out there! Who knows what could happen to you?" The mother warned.

"I can handle it! I'm a big boy, Just like you say! I can handle anything!" Stolas would answer, his confidence brimming, even at a young age. It was almost intoxicating, having his mother chuckle a bit.

"Yes, I know dear, but even Big boys struggle outside."

"Well I won't! Trust me!"

"How and why, exactly?" The woman had a smug expression, ruffling his head, making the child laugh when he was being petted.

"Because you said so, Mama! You said I am gonna grow up big and strong if I do everything you say, yeah?" The child answered in such enthusiasm, it made her laugh again.

"Oh, Alright, Alright. You win. You can explore-"

"YAAAAAAY!" The child cheered, but not before the mother silenced Stolas with a Shh

"-However. Promise me if you ever come back, you're safe and sound. Ok? I don't want my owl to be in trouble."

The boy simply looked at her and smiled. "I promise, Mama."

Three days later, when Stolas ventured onwards outside to explore, he was met with disturbance after disturbance: Wolves that dared try to strike him, Thunder that stroke down whenever it rained, and even bad people that wanted his head. Stolas experienced it all, and yet he smiled. When the Wolves stopped attacking, he relaxed himself amidst the pines, enjoying the starry night sky, amazed by its color, before being able to drift to sleep with the soft winds and the pale, sorrowful moon looking down as a guardian. Rainy seasons became Stolas' favorite weather, despite the power of thunder striking down. The pitter patter of raindrops made it soothing to relax on, and the water tends to refresh the child after a long run. The Thunder can even sometimes be comforting when he wishes to sleep.

One fateful day, however, as Stolas was crossing the dunes, he was being weary. Deserted. Empty. Course. Rough. The sand weighed heavily on his body, and he was utterly famished. Hungry and Thirsty he was. He would recall his mother's promise, and his own words that he would keep it, but began to have second thoughts regarding it all. That was, until, someone came along. A Person. A Cowboy. "Hmm? That's an odd one. The hell's a child doin' all the way out here?" The man stated, approaching Stolas. The child was too weak to try and retreat, laying down at the hot sand and allowing him to do as he please. The man, reaching towards him, picked up Stolas, and had the two escorted to a nearby tavern. 


Water was thrown at his face, Jolting the bird child upwards. "GWAH! STAY BACK! I'M AR-. . .Wha?" The boy could see what looked to be all sorts of people, some big and some small. The man that rescued him, a Cowboy, simply chuckled.

"Relax. You aren't dead. You lost, lil' guy?" He would ask, his face guard covering his mouth.

"Eh? Lost? Gah, I mean, Of course not! I'm a big boy, and I can explore wherever I want! I just happened to stop by here!" That response would cause an uproar of laughter, stunting the child's confidence. Even the Cowboy would laugh along.

"Alright. I'll buy it. You have a name, kid?"


"Stolas? As in the Goetia Demon?"

"Er....Yeah. My Mama told me he was a powerful one. One that governs the stars themselves."

"Then your mom's a smart woman. You clearly have enough power on your own if you can handle the Salvandi dunes all by yourself. Go ahead and explore around, I'll get you a drink. Oh and, the name's Ennio. Nice meetin' you, Stolas." Ennio tipped his hat as Stolas got off of the table and explored his surroundings. People talking with one another as they sip their beers and whiskeys. People playing games, whether by cards or by pool. People who are performing and dancing with others. It was almost out of a dream. The more he explored this tavern, and the more people he say, the more lost he felt. A Feeling he never experienced before. It wasn't merely pride, nor was it joy. It was a feeling that he couldn't describe. That feeling truly emerged when he saw someone walk down a hall, with a sign at the top: "World of Man."

The second he stepped into this hall, curious as to what it meant, he would feel weightless. The flooring was disappearing, The walls and roof too. The doors were non-existent as well. All that remained, was a black void, and a man. A Man that looks like a bird as well. A Man with a cape, a royal suit in blue and gold, and white gloves. As Stolas got closer, he could see that man clearer: Himself. The Older Stolas would jump off into the void, with the Younger Stolas jumping ahead as well, falling directly into the abyss. Everything afterwards became a blur of colors, a blur of sound, a blur that Stolas can never imagine seeing again: The Big Bang itself blowing up, Stars being made, scattering amidst the black nothingness, planets and moons being constructed, all traveling at the speed of light, all taking in every shape and motion this new space took. So many stars. So many Planets. So many suns, all either exploding or expanding. He would see his Adult self traveling across each space object as if they were mere orbs, with Young Stolas floating amidst this spatial sea with awe and wonder. 

It was Heaven. Heaven that only he would want. The more he explored this Heaven, the more he yearned for it. The more he wanted it. The more he desired it. A Land above everything else. A World only he exists in. He was so caught up in the moment, he didn't noticed Ennio grabbing him by his shoulder and pulling him out of the Hall of Man. "Woah! Careful now! Would've tripped over there." The cowboy joked, yet Stolas paid no mind to it. It was like experiencing the greatest High, and he shot at Ennio with so many questions, it was near overwhelming.

"WHAT WAS THAT!? WHAT DID THIS THING DO!? HOW DID IT DO IT!? WHAT DID I JUST EXPERIENCED!? IS THERE A WAY TO DO IT AGAIN!? HOW!? WHY!? WHO MADE THAT!? ARE THEY STILL ALIVE!? WHA-" The boy was being frantic, yet Ennio simply answered his question with one sentence.

"Hey, hey! Easy there. That hall? That is a once-in-a-lifetime experience called 'World of Man.' It seems you enjoyed it there. Only Men are capable of surviving that. A Man's World. A World where Night becomes Day. Where Happiness is King. Where Dreams only come true...if you are able to reach it yourself. A World where a Man, in this instance, a person with so much will and drive, will be given everything, as long as they push for it." That last statement broadened the child's mind. Before Ennio spoke, Stolas had one more question to ask.

"How do I be a Man?" This question from the child stunned Ennio.

"Sorry kid, That takes time to-"

"But I wanna be a Man NOW! I wanna be Happy! I wanna see Night become Day! I wanna see that World again! I wanna know what it means to be a Man! Pretty pretty pleeeeeeeeease??" Stolas expressions were like a dog, desiring food from an owner. It was clear what he saw was the greatest thing he ever experienced in his lifetime.

Ennio couldn't help but sigh, and yet, he also couldn't help but smile. "As I said, it takes time.....but....I don't mind showing you the ropes." Stolas became jubilated, hugging Ennio's leg tightly. Ennio, in response, simply knelt down and hugged him back, petting and ruffling his head. "Promise me this, though. Don't regret a second of this, alright?"

Stolas simply looked up with a smile on his face. "I promise!"