The boys would trek across the glassy floor, with Stolas scrying one message to the floor beneath the Reaper's feet: "Do not Fear the Reaper. Rest in Peace, Meso." Using a small amount of stars in burning the glass to make the message, he would be content, smiling at the man before leaving the scene, still clutching his wounded eye as he followed suit, the three struggling to properly walk, with the citizens watching over to see the trio in such pain. Just as when they were about to relax themselves amidst a nearby house, hoping to catch some breath, they would hear a voice. "....And THAT is what it means to be a Hero! You don't need specifics to go out of your way to save people!"
"Are you seriously trying to justify literal carpet bombing civilizations if it means to save someone?"
"Doesn't everyone?"
"Well now you're just not listening- OH HEY!"
A Familiar voice, as well as a familiar banter, as Harvard and Solomon would make their way back, with both of them drying themselves after being exposed to the dank depths of their adventure, noticing the wounds they sustained. Harvard quickly sets up the Potion, allowing it to heal back their supposed wounds, slowly but surely patching up such cuts, repairing certain vitals, and bringing back their very energy, a refresher in their own senses. "Sooo, how was it?" Harvard would ask, making sure everyone is properly healed without any setbacks.
"'s a standoff, I'll give it that." Stolas would answer, smiling somewhat.
"Really?? Cool! Was it like those big 'mano-a-mano' situations? Where your very life is on the line, where its do or die, where-"
Stolas would interrupt Harvard's ramblings with a single statement. "Yes, all of that and then some." The Stellar Magician couldn't help but laugh at the child's excitement, unable to contain it well, as Solomon and Zazel would meet up on their own accord. Stolas would notice the two acknowledging one another. "Oi! Still think you can be Harvard's restraint?" He would ask.
Solomon merely did a long sigh as he was reminded his own words. "Lets just say...I'd rather not be the reason he becomes bloodthirsty."
"And NOW you joined the club of Crazies." Zazel would reply, having a smirk while Solomon would roll his eyes, walking across the dunes, with Ennio making his way back to the locals to ensure their safety. "So....what now? That's four missions done. Anything else needs to be cove-" His words would cut off as some yelling was made in the distance. The children would follow such a voice, bearing witness to a carnival. Rollercoasters, Ferris Wheels, Merry-Go-Rounds, Bumper Cars, Galleries of certain games to play in to win prizes, Fanfare heard all across its area. It was like a fantasy made into reality. The boys looked amidst one another, with Harvard and Stolas giving a wide grin, sharing the same thought before looking towards the other two.
"....Okay, Fiiiiiiine. I'm honestly just as curious as well." Solomon would answer, gaining a small smile, whilst Zazel was primarily confused.
" that anyway? Is it fun?" He would ask.
" devilish friend, is called a Fair. A Wonder to the very eyes and ears. A cavalcade of sound and sights. A literal paradise for those unaware. My Demonic Compatriot, Would you care to indulge in its excitement?" Harvard would reply, his voice acting like a lure, letting the Demon see the residents enjoy themselves in such a place. Despite the Demon being skeptical, he, as well as Stolas, would continue to goad him, speaking in funny accents to dramatize their words further, explaining such wonders, whilst Solomon couldn't help but laugh a bit at the hilarity of the situation
The demon became deep in thought, trying to process such a decision. Before long, he would cave in. "Fiiiiiiiine, Fine.....Let us Indulge, indeed." Zazel's answer was met with a cheer that could've been heard by the very village, as Harvard would grab the demon by the vest and quickly dragged him to the fair, much to the demon's dismay. Stolas would be quick on trying to get back his standard clothes, whilst Solomon followed to keep an eye on the duo, as well as holding back the Card Magician so everyone can be involved. Once everyone is properly dressed and prepared, they would proceed to enjoy the very fair before them, their imaginations running rampant as they explored each ride to the best of their abilities, as well as being competitive over certain rides. Racing around to hit one another in bumper cars, admiring the view across the Ferris wheel, screaming and hollering in fear and joy whilst on the fast paced roller coasters, taking prizes for themselves amidst the games. One thing was very evident: They were having the time of their lives, and they wouldn't want to leave it at any other moment. As the Day slowly panned to dusk, the orange sun smiling blankly across the horizon, the children would be worn out. Such festivities and enjoyment has taken the very wind out of their body, trying to relax themselves after doing such perilous missions. Amidst their relaxation, Harvard would notice something he saw this very morning.
A Performer. One with a mask, making their way into what looked to be a circus tent. "Oh! Hey, Hey! Remember what Ennio said about these guys being performers? Let's end the day with that! A Circus show!" The boy would declare. The others, despite being tired, would hear such a declaration and nod towards each other, trying to muster their strength in entering the big top itself. Such a location was in black and red, with posters and banners of many circus performers, as well as one Ringmaster. Harvard recognized his name well as it was plastered upon big, black letters on the very bottom of the image.
"Jesta Spade. Owner of the Black Parade, Storyteller for all."