Chapter 161: Requiem


A mass of flesh, writhing within the dirt. A mind slipping into red as they see the sun and sky. The light shined brighter and brighter, almost overwhelming them to near absurd levels. A Vision of Heaven. A Vision of a kingdom. A Kingdom in gold and silver. Beings of pure white reaching their arms out, ready to accept them. As they try to, however, They would be met once again by the body. The body that they departed from, wounded beyond repair, their air gone.

This was the eyes of Pria, being under the Wendigo's illusion. Their song was playing across her entire body. Her very death played before her, unable to see anything else but it, and it alone. She couldn't even hear the ruffling of the leaves, nor the clanging of steel nearby her, only the trumpets of those above, and the words of angels that she could not understand. She could still feel touch, sharp pains striking and slicing at her body, like knives on a cutting board. She knew this was an illusion, yet such an illusion played a beautiful melody that she can't hear or see anything else. She took a deep breath as she recognized such magic was played, feeling less and less worried about her situation, and became more optimistic in reaching such a heaven after her grisly departure. This was Requiem. A Siren's Song made by Death itself.

She almost wanted this outcome to arrive.

And yet, even when she embraced such a feeling, something was pulling her back. Something she cannot see under this veil. Something she cannot hear under this music. Something she cannot understand under this spell. Despite being invisible to her, she can still feel its tug. Its pull. Its call to keep going. Without knowing it, she'd raise her arms up high, and braced herself to be brought back to reality. Such a glorious vision must come to pass, and while she is sad she must go, she knows well that she is needed.


Blood. It began pouring down from her face and ears, stopping the Wendigo's assault altogether. It looked on in curiosity, wondering what she has done, before recognizing the wound. Her words would cement it further. " used my senses to think I was dead.....That I was gone....I'm glad I found an answer to that then..." Her hands would be coated in her own blood, her eardrums popped, her eyes carved in half. Despite being blind and deaf, she still looked towards the Wendigo's direction, a smile on her face. "I gotta tell you.....That was a neat trick....I like you." She'd get into a stance, ready to fight despite being given the disadvantage. The Beast let out a small growl before getting in such a stance as well, staring at her in disbelief. She wasn't even showing the slightest hesitation in her voice.

The Beast would respond to such a stance with its own, attempting a slash, striking across her chest and at her chin. The Mage recognized quickly that such damages she took while under the hallucination were mainly from her body as a whole, some only being at her left arm and left leg as an extension. It was clear the beast was trying to not break the hallucination, while also ensuring she would die a slow and painful death, just like the imagery she saw. Though she could not block the strike, she would heal her wounds and have herself catch the claw that came towards her, timing herself to grapple at its wrist before pulling it closer to attack the monster's throat, a strong chop that would cut off its breathing temporarily. As she did that, she'd then pull the arm once more and use her elbow to break it, before having her other elbow strike at the monster's skull, cracking it through the strike. She'd then proceeded to spin herself around the Wendigo and deliver a left hook to send him against the floor, feeling the bark made as a substitute amidst her skin. The beast would try to use the splinters she took in to stab deeper into her veins, though her healing magic ensured that such tricks wouldn't work, before rushing forward. Despite not having proper sight and hearing, her touch, in exchange became immaculate. Even the slightest breeze would promote a reaction out of her.

The monster was being aware of this, so it would stand its ground and block the incoming strike: A Flurry of punches and knees, all specifically aimed for its other arm to try and wear it down, before gripping onto its wrist and trying to break it in half. The Wendigo would lunge forward to try and take a bite out of her shoulder as a result, yet she still proceeded, taking the hit in stride and pushing the beast off once her act was done.


Bone was sticking out thanks to Pria's brutality, yet the Wendigo would try to utilize the bone to stab into her body. Pria, feeling the air shift once more, would heal her body in advance, allowing the attack to connect, but fusing the bone in her flesh, gripping at its forearm and ready to split it in half with her brute strength. The Wendigo, however, would give a grin as it used its broken arm as a weapon on its own, swinging it wildly before smacking it across her face, the force somehow having enough power to swat her away. It quickly reattached itself through the vines and roots embedded in its body before charging forward, attempting to silence her permanently, breaking some branches and throwing them in a bizarre fashion to try and throw off her senses, having her perceive as if it was coming at different angles. It did this while getting closer to prepare a strong punch through her chest, aiming for her heart.

A voice, however, would halt its actions. She was doing something as well.

"Healing Magic.....Exorcism..."

An imposing glow. A Silhouette before the Beast, with a wide grin plastered on its face. "I can see you now..." Pria would state. Her tone was calm, yet energetic.

The beast would grin back