The Bride was having enough. She'd swap weapons again, firing off a massive array of rockets towards the two, as well as trying to use a sawblade to cut off the metal that was worsening her quality, looking around and climbing across the barrier like a spider to spot any metallic objects. A small gleam nearby her would alert her such a source, making her way towards the roof and skewering into the top of the sphere and through the ceiling, causing the barrier itself to crack and fall like glass when pierced. The two horses finally meet up, allowing Solomon to jump back onto his own beast and look up, being confused as to what she was aiming for, whilst having Shady use the shadow to absorb the rockets, storing them for later. It wasn't until they could see the small cracks from the ceiling to see what metal she was absorbing: The beams, frames, and studs that serve to hold up what's above them. As soon as she drops down, pulling the spikes away and letting the crack spread...
The roof was caving in, the force being just enough to break into the barrier after such abuse from both sides, cracks were being seen across the environment, even more rockets being fired in order to blast apart it further. Solomon nodded towards Shady, silently asking him to release the stored explosives, letting the Biblical Sorcerer use his hammer to strike at them in a perfect angle, firing it straight into the debris to blow it up, a strong cloud of dust being what was left. Due to how much was falling down, Solomon made his horse go double its speed, picking up faster and faster momentum, hitting at each Rocket from seconds, to split seconds, to nanoseconds, forcing his body to time each hit and to hold onto the horse as it went faster and faster, merely a visible blob of colors being what was available to even see. The Bride would attempt to fire at the child, but no matter how many bullets she rained down, she never got a proper hit into him. She would then try to see if she can scale up again, using even more of the roof to plummet and crush the child, yet Solomon was quick in casting a barrier, catching her inside it once more.
As the debris finally scattered into the still wind, floating somberly down, slowly settling onto the ground, Solomon would feel his body start to be drained, worn even. The creaks and croaks from the muscles were starting to catch up, and it was weakening his performance the longer it remained in his body. He'd groan and grunt as he'd nearly lose his balance, prompting the Bride to swoop down and set up a spike to pierce through the child's horse, as well as a mass of pins to slash at the boy while he is down, using the horse to keep him inside and force him to endure such punishment. Shady, however, was quick in spreading himself, reaching out to snag the stallion before the attack connected, dodging her assault once again, the Bride being livid upon seeing such quick transportation. "You ok, Lil' 'Mon? You're breathing funny..." the Shadow asked, his concerns rising.
"pant....pant....Yeah....I'm fine....I'm losing a LOT of steam real quick, though....I don't got much ngh...Time here..." Solomon would stress out, swallowing at air and trying to toughen out his own poison. Shady, however, intervened a bit, looking up at the state of the Bride, trying to come up with a plan. Because of the new metals and the fact she lobbed them off during the collision, it would be a safe assumption she wouldn't be infected anymore, and would most likely take a ranged style of combat, if anything than to avoid the effects of the hammer and carbon poisoning. In that instance, the Shadow would start to gain a wide grin, much to the confusion of the child. " something?" He would ask.
The Shadow nodded in such a vibrant manner, letting the shadow horse mold with War in order to take a more humanoid shape, one with longer limbs and stronger arm strength, at a cost of not giving such a construct a head. "It's the quarter of the first inning, boy! We got to make sure she strikes out over here, yah see??" The shadow spoke, trying to force out a heavy accent to let him see the idea. Once Solomon did, he'd sigh at such a poor joke, yet he'd still nod in agreement, a small chuckle coming out of him. Both of them would offer up their arm, allowing Shady to bind itself around the Biblical Sorcerer, balling himself up in order for the horseman to get ready for such a pitch. Hammers at the helm, their torso's tied together to ensure they don't fling off one or the other by the harsh throw, the Shadow would begin cackling as he'd strike a few poses, mainly in efforts to taunt the Bride, as he'd speak once more. "ALRIGHT, YAH TIN CAN!! WITNESS THE LEGENDARY DUO ATTACK OF THE BEST BOY AND HIS RIGHTFUL SIDEKICK-!!"
"Ok lets...Ngh...dial that back a bit..." Solomon's words fell on deaf ears as Shady kept talking.
"-SOMEONE START PLAYIN' "A LITTLE LESS CONVERSATION" OVER HERE! LET'S LIGHT THIS JOINT!! SHADOW MAGIIIIIIIIIIIIC...!" He'd delay his words as the Horseman took his position. With gusto, with fervor, the Horseman made his throw, straight towards the Bride, Hammers ready to strike and pin her into the barrier again.
The ball-like mass was thrown at an incredible pace, nearly clocking and carving a hole into the Bride's body, forcing her to evade such an attack at the last second. As soon as she tried to shift her body and take aim towards the duo, however, she would notice something was wrong. The Barrier was getting shorter. The Child was shortening the barrier in efforts to bounce off and attack her on the roundabout. All the bride could do was block from such an unstoppable force.