Chapter 294: Polo, Part 4

The Bride's body began to twist and turn, the metal fusing into her system, slowly shaping her into a proper killing machine. Her chest and back quickly accommodated multiple barrels; miniguns, snipers, assault rifles, shotguns, rocket launches, grenade launchers, and more. What were once stilts and saws now became tendrils that hooked her onto the area, preventing recoil from coming out. The mask was now lowered enough, letting the stump now harbor a turret with two reticles, both of which were quick on tracking down Solomon on his tired state. The Bride also bore out wings to use for flight, such wings being out of solid steel and what Solomon assumed to be bullet casings for the very spine.

"Weapon Magic...Ballista...Complete. Standing by..."

It would speak, charging up each and every one of such barrels, ready to rain hellfire upon the child. Solomon, however, refused to back down. As the gas began to leave his body, his eyes still tired, his body still limp from harboring such toxins. He'd nod towards the Shadow to do it again. Shady would waste no time in calling forth the Headless Rider, encasing the two in a circle, letting them build up momentum, the barrier glowing brighter and brighter the more such impacts were made. This was the deciding factor, everything was finally falling into place. "Ballista, Eh!? What a shoddy name for a Final Gambit, Yah witch! ONCE MORE! FROM THE TOP! LET'S TAKE THIS HOME!!!"


The Horseman wound up the throw, before having the Bride start firing in such a massive cluster, rockets and bullets aimed straight for Solomon and the Horse to prevent it from being thrown. Shady, however, merely lets the rider lean forward and take the most hits, before tossing the two straight ahead.





The ball was quick on acting once more, slamming their hammers at the barrier and bouncing the two around the perimeter, cracks being visible the more they kept crashing into them. The Bride was hot in their pursuit, letting the explosions and bullets fly, all in the hopes one would strike at the child. The more they bounced, the more the Bride kept firing at a faster and faster rate, prompting Shady to take guard duty and protect Solomon whilst he continued his plan, the shadows being more and more visible when the light kept shining. As the two kept exchanging such attacks, Solomon would switch his direction, aiming to strike towards the Bride herself, letting the two be hurled like a cannonball to try and strike at her chest once more. Before he was even capable of doing such a thing, however..


A direct shot. One straight through the child's head, his body flying off in mid-air. The Bride once more did a sneer, switching her aim in order to target at the child in full. She's caught him. She has a chance to turn this around. As she did such a shift in aim, she would notice something. The Shadow was still smiling. It was still present. The mask's eyes widened as she'd try to double back, but was too late.


Another hit. Her stomach was struck by the very hammer the Biblical Sorcerer wished to use, her anger spiking up even further. To make matters worse, such a hammer came out from the shadows themselves, having small hands hold onto the handle for dear life. "Thou.....shalt not....KILL!!!" The boy screamed, causing the commandment to race through and attach itself back on her, quickly glowing once it sensed her wrath, burning her up as a result. The duo simply sank into the shadows as the barrier closed in, finally taking into effect. Such dancing lights were preparing their own attack, mirrored by the amount of abuse the barrier took, with the shadow made by such lights being a perfect escape for Solomon to take. All the Bride could do was scream and slam the tendrils into the barrier in an attempt to break it apart. As the radiance became blinding, all Solomon did was looked away, casting the Garden of Eden, letting the shadow take out the bullet and heal him from such injuries.


A Pillar of light erupted from the Chapel, piercing straight through the roof and into the clear blue sky. All sorts of people nearby the building would notice such light, the ones that quickly caught it being of a few nuns that were singing such hymns, and a few knights that were instructed to protect Khepros after the incident regarding the hotel, the latter quickly trying to swarm in and investigate on the matter, only to be met with the door locked, having to resort to their artifacts and biding their time until the beam finally disappeared. Despite the visible danger, the locals can't help but admire such a warm glow.

It felt beautiful.

As the light disappeared, the chapel's insides now in ruins, the boy would stagger a bit as he'd try to get up, most, if not all of his energy now siphoned out, the Shadows acting as assistance. He'd cough as the dust built up around the area, letting Shady absorb it into his mass, acting as a personal vacuum cleaner, all to see the newlyweds in their real form. Solomon couldn't believe his eyes once he finally found who acted as the personal weapons in the chapel; a man in his forties, his skin now charred and blackened, his suit burnt away, melding with his flesh, and a woman in her thirties, with long, white hair, half of which was burnt away, her wedding dress in tatters, her corset destroyed, yet it was not needed for her figure. She was grieving, cupping her hand around her husband's cheek, tears coming down her eyes, the commandment still on her body. Solomon looked on in horror, nearly panicking, before trying to pose his question.

"Mom.....? that you?" He asked weakly.

All the Bride could do was stare down at her Husband, her eyes defeated. Her silence was more than enough of an answer.

It was Solomon's parents. They were the ones that tried to kill him.