Chapter 296: Hall of Mirrors

Meanwhile, The two boys, Stolas and Harvard, would explore their surroundings in the dark room, looking for anything unusual. The Stellar Sorcerer was quick to try and cast a light, but such intensity quickly became blinding, stunning them shortly, having them fall over. A few eye rubs and a dimmer light would let the boys see better, being quick to find a small light switch, with Harvard flipping it on instinct.


A set of halls with rows upon rows of mirrors, each one designed differently amongst each other. Ooh's and Ahh's escaped from the children, with Stolas quickly shutting off his own star and trying to get a better look at himself, seeing the curvature made him look to be as short as possible, a small snort coming out of his beak. "Pfft...Kehehehe.." He'd laugh, trying to keep it together. Harvard would try to come to his friend to see what was wrong, but one look at the mirror would provide his answer, the reflection making him as tall as a tree. He would also struggle to keep it together, yet Stolas would try to push it. "Hum dididy dum, dibity dum, bibidy bum, badaba bom!" The boy would state, a strong accent as he walked like a crab in a circle, breaking Harvard and causing the two to laugh like mad at the silliness regarding their reflections.

The two were quick on trying to find another set of mirrors, one which enlarged Harvard's head, another on Stolas' stomach. "Hey, why you gaining so much weight 'ere, sonny boy?" Harvard asked, trying to impersonate an old man's voice.

"Phuh, wouldn't you like to know, egghead!" Stolas replied with a usual snobbish child's tone, trying to harshen his throat a bit in order to capture the brattish voice.

"D'oh, why i outta! You kids outta be sittin' on the fields, I say!"

"Is that why your eyes are so massive? So you can give us a thousand yard stare, yah bumpkin-" Stolas broke himself again, laughing like mad at what he said, causing Harvard to follow suit, hitting at the floor and rolling around in glee. The more and more mirrors they found, the more and more they were distracting themselves, being soaked into the moment of doing impersonations and seeing which one breaks down into laughter first. Harvard began to have his stomach hurt the longer he played such a game, whilst Stolas would struggle to breathe the more he hacked his throat. "I can't...I seriously can't. This is too good! This is TOO GOOD! We NEED to come back here after this mission's done!" Stolas would comment.


"You think we should get him in here?"

"Yeah, yeah! Door's still open anyway. We can ju-" He paused himself as he would notice one more set of mirrors, a set of which he was more curious and jovial, quickly running towards them, guiding Stolas to follow suit. Such mirrors were straight and narrow, but had a set of text above it, as well as a small summary of what it can do on its side.

"Mirror of Reality"

"See what your counterpart is on the other side."

Harvard would peer into his side, being amazed at what he's looking at: A boy with smooth, clean hair, as well as heterochromatic eyes, one green and one of his usual color, being of hazel. The boy also seemed to possess a more fur-like coat than a standard tuxedo, with a few holsters to hold what he presumed was his cards. He noticed the small, brown Wellington boots as well, adding further of such origins. He would start to do some faces, being just as silly, but was shocked to see his mirrored counterpart was doing a perfect one to one action. Even when he decides to take off his own head, his eyes widen at his counterpart doing the exact same thing. "Oh that's so freaky...BUT SO COOL!! Stolas! Get over here, I need you to-"

"OH C'MON, SERIOUSLY!?" Stolas would be quick to interrupt. Harvard would be confused as to why, but when he saw the reason, he once again broke out in laughter, much to the Avian's dismay: A bird girl. More specifically, a crow, with a poncho and silk pants, both of which possessed a slew of colors across it, a rainbow that spreads outward. The crows eyes possessed white pupils, whilst her feathers were just as colorful as her outfit. She also seemed to possess a birthmark on her stomach, one that depicts a set of rings around its center. "How come you get the cool one!?" Stolas commented, his owl-like head twisting to see the laughing child.

"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! HOLY- I CAN'T! I CAN'T BREATHE! OH MY GOD, HELP! I CAN'T BREATHE!!" The child wheezed, prompting Stolas to try and pick him up, patting him on the back when doing such. After a minute, he would calm down. ", that was too much. You were a girl in another life, that's CRAZY!"

"Yeah, and COMPLETELY rigged, matter of fact! Your counterpart should've been a girl by that logic, as well! What the hell is this!? How's that fair??"

"I mean..." He paused himself as he'd have a few laughs to come out. "...At least she's still carrying that little philosophy thingy, right?"

"I HOPE SO!" Stolas would be wide-eyed as he'd look at his mirrored half, doing just as many bizarre faces to see if it is as one to one as his own was. "Can you IMAGINE a passive version of myself? One that just lazily writhes about on a bed doing nothing!? That's horrible!"

"Well, judging by her outfit, she doesn't seem to be all that passive."

"Yeah, least there's that. Hope she can throw a good punch too. Maaaaaaaaaan..." The Avian rolled his head, leaving an annoyed expression, one that is perfectly mimicked by the crow, as if they were disappointed at each other.

"Hey, if it helps, we can see if Solomon's mirror is just as bizarre."

"WAIT, Crazy theory!" Stolas would get back his jovial enthusiasm once the topic switched "What if its Shady? Would he come out through the reflection?"

"OOH, THAT'S A GOOD POINT ACTUALLY! C'mon! We don't go-"


The door immediately swung shut, catching the children off guard. Right as they looked away, they can feel something was completely off. As they turned around, they would be met with a large celestial body, as well as a spell from a card.

The entirety of Mars, alongside a fire spell to make it a violent ball of heat.