"Gulosus bestia..... Famelicus insectum..... Cibus tuus advenit."
"Rex nunc suam satietatem habebit...Nil tale convivium sedabit.....Inanis stomacho, ridere delectat carnibus libera...!"
"Peccatum gulae ante nos erit....! Alae eius plaudunt. Aculeus eius acutus est."
"Festum incipit nunc...!!"
The sigil's markings quickly changed shape, a yellowish hue being emitted as the pillar of light came down. Griffos would cast a spell onto his summoning, multiplying it, making such a mass in order to attack in its waves. From the sigil, an insect would arrive out, its size no less than a fingernail's worth. Despite its fly-like eyes and wings, it holds two stingers that acts as arms, and a mosquito's chamber that resides on its thorax. Such a monster, despite being miniscule, was multiplying more and more, creating more of such insects, with Harvard watching them dance in the air, watching them combine into a stronger mess. From such mass...
A Jaw was made, sparkling, white teeth and a red tongue salivating.
"Dominus muscarum!! Famelicum Insectum!! Infinitus stomachus!!"
The mass was quick on creating its eyes, its maw reaching out to try and bite into the Fusion, with Harvard pulling the chain back again, allowing the beasts to fire back in a black ray of light, the strings quickly throwing themselves into the beam in order to cast the Golden Ritual, in an effort to double the beam's power and try to pierce straight through the Lord of the Flies. What resulted, however, was the beast consuming the attack itself, its mouth wide open, absorbing the ray itself, forcing Harvard to have it cease and try to use Alibaba's arm to steal back the energy they lost. Beelzebub would be quick on biting into such an arm, however, the mass quickly stabbing into the veins and muscles, drinking it for what its worth, making it into a shriveled husk of itself. The bulbs that exist within the insects began to glow, a capacity for how much they were drinking. An arm was thrown in order to try and catch the sun itself, prompting the Fusion to try and heat itself up, watching as the mass of bugs repel themselves away.
Griffos merely laughed as he'd reign in his monster, a sigil being formed, quickly summoning another beast through both the flesh it sustained and the energy it stole. "Wonderful, WONDERFUL!! Now, for another monster to take center stage..." He'd declare as he'd look through his holster for another beast, while Harvard would try to cast an illusion through the ritual the Fusion attained, slipping a beast within the strings, letting it take the form of more strings, all of which were sent hurling towards the Mirror. Despite Harvard's efforts, Griffos merely stood in place, allowing the strings to slip into his body, phasing through him as he'd summon his other monster.
"Tch, Ok, yeah, fair enough. It's your spell, it's dumb to try and trick you into it." Harvard mumbled, yet even when he spoke quietly, the Mirror was able to pick up on it.
"And thus is why you are inferior. You've thought using my own attacks against me while I have such knowledge sustained would've given you an edge. A Foolish errand..." Griffos commented. "...In truth, what you're supposed to do is, quite frankly, what you accomplished before! Take what you know and twist it on its head! A superior figure such as myself would've converted those spells into something else, or find a new use to cast such a spell without letting the other figure out beforehand. You accomplished this before with Walpurgis, after all. You've shown me how it functions and twisted the idea of Fusionism with it! THAT, right there, is what the Codex Machina demands..."
"Why are you so adamant about helping me, and why are you so happy? Don't you know we're trying to kill each other here?" Harvard would question, trying to cast an illusion spell to halt such progress the man makes, before being intervened by Beelzebub again, watching it grow appendages through such flies, desperately clawing and scratching at the arena itself.
"But of course! However, even in times of death, I can't let my inferior side stay inferior. I must nurture it, make it grow, make it breathe, have it gain a pulse, let it finally reach higher than ever! We're supposed to be mirrors to one another. I cannot take pride in the fact my lesser half is obsolete, especially one with such potential!"
"...The way you framed that feels....passive aggressive at best, especially with your little complex there."
"Was that not what we were taught, after all? We were both ostracized by the populace, simply because we're monsters. We don't tend to look after what we're doing. Had this be taken outside..." He would linger such words as the sigil began to glow, taking in the reserves from the Golden Ritual and the capacity intake from his beast. Harvard, despite knowing what he's saying, ignores such words. He was aware of such thoughts more than anyone else. "...Well, you seem to at least gained the full context to it all." Griffos would finish, before preparing a new monster, a card on his hand, ready to cast it out.
"Signatus in lapide...."
"Fabulis praedita....."
"Nunc documentum de hoc congressu incipit."
"Historia renascitur....Construuntur signum runarum.....Nostri milites ducentur iterum..."
"Viam nostram sequere....Lucem nostram sequere....Aperiamus Valhalla retro ad mundum..."
"Pro nobis tributum...!!"
Hands were extended out, grabbing at the seal, taking in the scribed language and being inserted, rings across its arms and legs, now adorned with such markings. A sculpture of a man's face exited out, alongside stone robes that held the runes necessary. Such runes glowed a mystic blue, as they were trailed through the rings on its open palm, ready to cast one on summon.
"Viva Textus Antiquus!! Historia viva!!!"
The rune immediately exploded the area without a second thought, the symbol of destruction blowing up, a crater left within the arena itself.