
'Hmm...? Am I dead ? If I am dead... Then why am I feeling so cold ? Is this what death feels like... Well, I heard someone saying that death is nothing but a cold and silent place.' Aiden thought.


'A sound ? How can I hear sound-' Suddenly, Aiden came to his senses and immediately opened his eyes.

"Fuckkk..." Aiden shouted as he looked at the sky and stood up at once.

"I am... Alive ?" Aiden questioned as he looked at his hands and touched his face.

He then touched the back of his head and noticed that there wasn't a single injury in his head.

'How can this be- *Achooo*' Aiden thought as he sneezed and immediately looked around.

He was near the same waterfall that he fall down from but there was one thing different about it.

It was all frozen up from the top to the bottom and there was snow falling out of the sky.

Even Aiden's body was covered with snow...

"What the fuck is happening here..?" Aiden spoke as he immediately stood up from the ground and felt extremely cold. It was already evening.

'Cold Cold... It's too cold. I have to light up a fire and build a shelter.' Aide thought as he immediately started walking towards the near forest and started collecting woods for fire.

His hand were freezing out and face was turning red from the immense cold, but Aiden knew that if he didn't lit a fire right now... He will die once again.

As Aiden was collecting the woods... He came across a cave.

"Hmm...?" Aiden immediately went towards the cave and slowly approached the insides.

'I can't see shit here, I don't know If it goes deeper or not. But, I can be hundred percent sure that some animal is sleeping inside this cave.

Looking at the strong winds outside, I will need a fire protector... But, If I Can lit it here, Then I can easily protect it from the strong winds.

Yes, I have to lit it here. If I don't let the smoke go inside the cave and stay at the opening, I will reduce the risk of death by a large margin.

I can just run out and climb on that tree If something comes out of this cave, and then I can try to jump trees...' Aiden thought as he immediately went back and brought 20 to 30 dry wooden sticks from the trees.

Aiden then sat down on the opening of the cave and placed the wooden sticks in a pyramid shape.

'Okay, now... All I need to do is get a lighter out of my watch and-' Aiden thought as he looked at his hand and noticed that his watch wasn't working anymore.

"Huh...? What the fuck ? What happened to you." Aiden spoke as he tapped over his watch many times and noticed that the blank screen wasn't even budging from it's place.

"Now, there can be possibility for this to happen... Either your battery is dead or you are dead, and I sincerely hope it's the first one." Aiden spoke as he slowly took the watch off of his hand and placed it aside carefully.

"I will need sunlight to charge her up again, but looking at this weather, I don't think sun will come out soon." Aiden spoke as he looked out of the cave and noticed that the amount of snowfall was increasing at an incredible speed.

"How many days have I been out for ?" Aiden questioned as he noticed that, when he came to the planet it was summer and now it's winter.

"Well... Looks like I can't light a fire without my watch." Aiden thought as he immediately laid down on the cold surface and tried to sleep.

But, he couldn't sleep.

"Fuck... It's too cold and I don't feel safe sleeping here. I have to return back to my house." Aiden thought as he immediately started rubbing two wooden sticks with each other.

"My ancestors, did this 500 Billion years back to lit their first fire... Why not repeat the history again ?" Aiden spoke as he continued to run the sticks together with full force.