Marriage contract

Mr. Quinn had just settled into his office, determined to finally let out his ideas and convince Annabelle to agree to his plan. He was aware that what he was about to propose to her was not something one would typically expect from an employer, but it was an act of desperation driven by his ambition.

Without wasting a moment, Mr. Quinn picked up his phone and dialed Annabelle's extension. As he waited for her to pick up, he felt a mix of nervousness and anticipation. This was a make or break moment for him—the moment when he would bare his vulnerable side to Annabelle and hope that she would understand.

A few minutes later, Annabelle knocked on Mr. Quinn's office door and entered, showing her usual grace and poise. She saw her boss sitting comfortably behind his desk, a pen spinning nervously in his hands. He gestured for her to take a seat and handed her a document along with the pen.

Confused but curious, Annabelle nodded and took the document in her hands. As she read the bold inscription on the cover— 'Marriage Contract'—her eyes widened in disbelief. She couldn't fathom what her boss was up to.

Annabelle tried to process the information, still finding it hard to believe. She had always known Edward as a driven and ambitious person, but she never expected him to come up with such an outrageous plan.

"What do you mean, sir?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

"But why me?" she questioned, her eyes searching his face for answers. "Why would you choose me for a fake marriage? I'm just your assistant, and isn't it unfair for both of us to enter into something so significant for the sake of your own gain?"

Mr. Quinn hesitated for a moment before he spoke, trying to choose the right words. "I need your help, Annabelle," he said firmly, his eyes locked on hers. "I want us to put up a fake marriage act. It's for my parents' sake. I'm willing to offer you anything you desire for this act—name your price, and I'll triple it."

Annabelle's mind was racing. She couldn't deny that she had secretly loved Mr. Quinn for a long time, but his proposition was nothing short of shocking. What did he take her for? Did he really believe she was after his money?

Trying to compose herself, Annabelle raised her eyes to meet his gaze, masking her excitement. "But sir," she began, "isn't this a little extreme? What if your parents find out?"

Mr. Quinn interrupted her with a determined expression on his face. "Not if you don't tell them," he said, his voice filled with conviction. "It will be our little secret."

"I've thought about it, and I believe you're the only person I can trust to help me in this situation. You are a decent, hardworking, and intelligent person, and I'm willing to compensate you generously for your time and effort. This is just a temporary arrangement to secure my place in the family business, and once that's done, we can part ways amicably."

Annabelle took a deep breath, weighing the pros and cons in her mind. On one hand, agreeing to this fake marriage would enable her to live under the same roof as the man she loved, building a bond and giving her the attention she had always craved. On the other hand, this was a massive risk; if things went wrong, it could ruin both her personal and professional life.

Taking a moment to gather her thoughts, Annabelle finally made her decision. She picked up the contract and, with a trembling hand, penned down her signature. "I knew I could count on you," Mr. Quinn said with a relieved smile.

"I'd like you to draft out your rules and regulations while I draft mine then we can review them together. I promise I won't overstep my boundaries." He said with a smirk on his face.

As Annabelle stood up, preparing to leave the office, Mr. Quinn called her attention one more time. "I'll treat you to dinner after work today," he said, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension. "We can discuss the details of our plans."

Hearing those words, Annabelle nodded silently before leaving the office, her mind swirling with a mix of emotions. She knew that what she had just agreed to would change everything, but there was no turning back now. She was about to step into a world where reality and pretense would blur the lines, and she was both exhilarated and terrified by the prospect.

Little did she know that she had just struck a deal with the devil.