Finding a compromise

Edward felt a pang of frustration and disappointment, realizing that his parents had different expectations for his wedding day. He turned to Annabelle, silently apologizing for not discussing this matter with her beforehand.

Annabelle's mind raced as she tried to process the situation. It seemed that the simple court wedding plan they had initially agreed upon was now turning into something completely different. She couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the sudden change in circumstances.

Taking a deep breath, Annabelle spoke up, her voice filled with determination. "I understand the importance of this day, and I respect your wishes, Mr. Quin. However, I believe it's essential for Edward and me to have a say in the matter as well. We need some time to discuss this amongst ourselves and come up with a solution that satisfies both parties."

Mr. Quin regarded Annabelle with surprise before a small smile formed on his lips. "Very well," he responded, impressed by her level-headedness. "I appreciate your willingness to find a compromise. Take your time, and whenever you're ready, let me know. We can reconvene and discuss further."

Annabelle nodded, grateful for the opportunity to tackle this issue on their own terms. She turned to Edward, and they exchanged a silent understanding. They knew that this would be the first in a series of challenges they would face as a couple, and they were determined to handle it together.

I have a better suggestion that's if you're willing to hear me out.

"Why not?, speak up, let's hear them" Mr Quinn said.

Annabelle turned to her soon-to-be in-laws, a determined look on her face. "I understand the importance of having a wedding, and if that's what you want, I suggest we have a small, intimate gathering with only a few close friends and family. No grand halls, just a simple outdoor ceremony by the beach with a priest to seal the vows. And most importantly, no press. How does that sound?"

The room fell silent as everyone processed Annabelle's suggestion. She looked at Edwards, wanting to make sure he was on board with the idea. After all, it was their special day, and it was crucial that they both felt comfortable with how it would play out.

Edwards' father, Mr. Quinn, took a moment to consider Annabelle's proposal. He had initially wanted a grand wedding, but he realized that his son and Annabelle had their own desires and preferences. After a brief pause, he finally spoke, "It's fine, Annabelle. If you don't want a grand affair, it's your choice. You can have the wedding as you suggested and still proceed with the court marriage plan. All we wanted was a wedding. Isn't that right, honey?" He turned to his wife, seeking her approval.

His wife nodded in agreement, a warm smile appearing on her face. "Yes, as long as the both of you are happy, that's all that matters."

Mr. Quinn cleared his throat to address Annabelle, his tone now more serious. "However, I must make one condition. After the wedding, you will no longer work as Edward's assistant. Instead, you will be promoted to a managerial position in any department of your choice."

Annabelle nodded, a sense of gratitude washing over her. "Alright, sir. Thank you for the opportunity. I am pleased to accept the new role."

Mr. Quinn quickly corrected her, "Call me father. You have my approval now, Annabelle. You are officially part of our family."

A smile spread across Annabelle's face as she corrected herself, "Yes, father. Thank you."

With the family's approval and a compromise reached, Annabelle and Edward exchanged glances, a mixture of relief and excitement visible in their eyes.