New assistant

"I know who you are," Lily replied confidently. She then handed Annabelle a file. "I scheduled a meeting on your behalf in twenty minutes. I figured it would be a good way for you to meet and familiarize yourself with the other staff members."

Annabelle nodded in agreement and thanked Lily for her thoughtfulness. She appreciated the proactive approach and the consideration that Lily had shown. "That's very thoughtful of you, Lily. Thank you," Annabelle said, her appreciation evident in her voice.

With that, Lily turned around and left the office. Annabelle took a seat behind her desk and opened the file that Lily had handed her. Inside were details about the meeting, along with profiles of the department staff members. Annabelle spent the next few minutes going through the information, familiarizing herself with the names and roles of her new team.