I don’t like her: sherly said

As the voices grew louder downstairs, Annabelle couldn't help but feel a sense of unease washing over her. She had been in her bedroom, quietly going about her own business when she heard the commotion. Curiosity got the better of her, and she decided to go down to the living room to discover what was going on.

As she approached the living room, the voices became clearer, and the distinct sound of her husband, Edwards, caught her attention. She could hear him conversing with someone else, and there was a certain level of excitement in his voice. Annabelle's curiosity grew, and she quickened her pace to see what was happening.

As she entered the living room, Annabelle's eyes fell upon Edwards, who was standing close to a lady, clearly engaged in a deep conversation. They seemed comfortable in each other's presence, and Annabelle could sense a certain familiarity between them. The lady stood with luggage beside her, indicating that she had just arrived.