Edwards Disgust Towards Lydia.

Vin's attention remained buried in his phone for what seemed like an eternity, oblivious to the world around him. Sherly's calls for his attention went unnoticed, each one fading into the background noise of the fireworks. She watched him with growing concern, noting the furrow in his brow and the way his fingers tapped incessantly on the screen.

"Vin," she called out again, this time with a hint of urgency in her voice. Still, he remained lost in his digital world, his focus unyielding.

Frustrated, Sherly raised her voice a notch higher. "Vin!"

Finally, his head snapped up, and he blinked in confusion as if emerging from a trance. Sherly couldn't help but wonder what had captured his attention completely.

"Yes?" he replied, his voice distant.

"You seem lost," Sherly remarked, her concern evident. "I've been calling you, but you were engrossed in your phone. Are you okay?"