The weight of Expectations

Since Mr. Christopher returned from the hospital, the once lively atmosphere in the house seemed to have dissipated, replaced by an uneasy tension that hung thick in the air. His daughter Annabelle, the apple of his eye, had confined herself to her room for days on end, her presence a mere whisper in the echoing halls of their grand estate.

Mr. Christopher, a man of stature and influence, couldn't shake off the anger that simmered beneath the surface. His daughter's actions had cut him deeply, leaving behind a wound that refused to heal. He pondered over why she would go to such lengths to hurt him, to defy him. Annabelle had always been his favorite, the one he had showered with affection and material comforts. He had spared her the strictness he had imposed on her brother, providing her with everything she desired, even in her absence.