Chapter 10

"Whaaat…" Max was so angry that his eyebrows were raised, and his hand slapped the people in front of him like the wind. The heads in front of him all got hit by the hand, and he angrily roared, "Shut up!"

Everyone was stunned and blankly looked at the angry Max.

"Hey, there are some words you can't randomly say. You haven't even figured out the situation yet and are already ruining my reputation, that's a villain's behavior." Max pointed his finger at the noses of several people and shouted.

"Also, if you dare to say something bad about lord city again, I will fight him to the death." Max's serious face made everyone know that this old man was telling the truth. Now, no one dared to randomly talk nonsense.

This is what someone who hasn't received education was like. They would only try to guess others, based on their personal preference rather than trying to understand using logic.

Max glanced around, opened the sheepskin roll and said loudly, "Lord Baron Lucas, today instructed the abolishment of the following taxes: entrance tax, wheat tax, passing tax, childbirth tax…"

Many people widened their eyes in disbelief the moment Max started speaking. Even after Max had finished speaking, everyone was still in a daze.

"Mr. Max, please read it again." Some people said with disbelief.

"Okay, listen carefully." Max knew that everyone's lives were too bitter and had been exploited too much. They were suspicious now that someone suddenly treated them better.

After Max finished reading it again, many people knelt on the ground and cried and loudly yelled.

"Waah waah waah… my son, he was… waah waah wu wu…"

"Why has Baron city lord only come now? My brother starved to death in order to pay taxes."

"A dozen copper coins can be saved a month, long live city lord, long live…"

Everyone went crazy from joy. This was one of the few good news for the poor residents.


In the City Lord's Mansion, Lucas sat in the study, listening to the cheers outside and the corners of his mouth rose silently.

You can't make much money by exploiting the poor. Also, it would force the people to rebel.

Anyone who has seen the history of countries on Earth knows that they cannot exploit the people; otherwise, they would only dig their own graves.

"I can still travel to Earth today. It seems that I'll have to go on a shopping spree. Especially the things here, I can throw all of them away."

Lucas looked at the things in the study, disgusted. Many of them were broken, and it was obvious that Carter didn't leave him with anything good.

The multidimensional travel chance refreshes at midnight. He spent yesterday at Ben's family's house, so he still didn't use his travel chance today.

Lucas got up to lock the door of the study. After all, there was a catgirl in the castle. He then silently said "To Earth" in his heart, and in the next second, he disappeared from the study.

When Lucas opened his eyes again, he found that he had returned to his room. He looked at the familiar furnishing and breathed a sigh of relief.

He immediately changed the other world clothes that he was wearing. He put on a casual outfit and sat on the bedside, thinking.

"I don't have to worry about the number of recruits. Then there is only the weapon aspect left. There is no need to think about the hot weapons, I can only start with cold weapons right now."

Lucas took out his cell phone and searched for cold weapon crossbows on Google. He had already thought of arrows and crossbows when he was in the other world.

Archers need to be able to use the longbow proficiently. A powerful archer requires at least one year of training.

But the crossbow doesn't need that. As long as they practice, they can form effective lethality in just a dozen days. That was the reason why he valued ​crossbows.

There were only about 20 days before the autumn harvest. If they couldn't stop the thieves' attack, then more than half the people in Sedona City would probably starve to death.

Bow and arrows and crossbows both have their own strengths and weaknesses. The former can shoot arrows quickly, but takes a long time to form an army, and the latter takes a long time to load the arrows. Thus, he decided to buy some of both.

Lucas opened Amazon, searched on it, and immediately saw a few powerful crossbows, and immediately communicated with the seller. After spending a lot of money, the seller agreed to some of his rude requests.

It would be difficult to produce even iron with the craftsmanship in the other world, let alone crossbows.

Lucas placed several large orders on Amazon. Since he has a base in the other world, he can use some things.

After placing the orders, Lucas tidied up and prepared to go out to buy some things, including some daily necessities.

Lucas was an orphan. After getting the chance to travel to another world, he brought precious metals from other world to Earth and changed them into money. He then found a relatively remote place and rented a house.

He planned to change places every year so that he wouldn't be noticed when buying some things. The ability to travel to the other world was his biggest secret and safeguard.

After all, his focus would be on the other world. On Earth, he was just an ordinary person, but in the other world, he was the lord of a city, a noble.

After leaving the house, Lucas went to the supermarket to buy a lot of things, and then found an unobtrusive place without a camera and put the things in the storage space.

Just like this, Lucas changed several supermarkets and brought things several times in a row. He finally returned to his house after filling up the 2 cubic meters of his storage space.