Chapter 14

After Ben's family entered the city, Ben sighed, "Sedona City gives me a completely different feeling, like an old dying tree that regained new life.

There were more people walking on the street now, and many people smiled sincerely. Their eyes are no longer lifeless but also hopeful for the future.

"Everyone is looking forward to the future now that there are less taxes, of course they changed. This is the change brought by Lord Lucas." Max's face was full of smiles; he was extremely happy to see such a change.

"Lucas did a great job." Ben praised, he was also very happy that his hometown got better.

"Wow! Isn't that Ben's family? They haven't entered the city for a long time." A passerby yelled.

"They probably have been called up by the new City Lord. After all, the members of Ben's family are true warriors."

"Only Lord Lucas is worthy of Ben's family's services."

"Agreed! Lord Lucas is a good city lord, and our life will get better and better."

Since entering the city, the members of Ben's family heard such remarks several times making their faces more and more solemn.

When they came to the front of the castle. They saw Lucas who was already waiting at the door.

"You, you are Lucas???"

James( Ben youngest son)

The members of Ben's family widened their eyes while looking at the young man whose temperament had changed drastically in front of them in disbelief. The clothes he wore gave people the feeling of a magnificent atmosphere and it was obvious that the clothes could only be worn by high nobles.

"Ha ha ha…Uncle Ben, Aunt May, Aiden, Tony… Nicole, don't you recognize me? I am Lucas."

Tony, Aiden, Jack, Henry

Lucas came forward, pulled Ben and the others and walked into the castle. "Go in, everyone."

Along the way, Ben and the others were in a daze. They hadn't seen Lucas for only 2 days but he gave them a feeling that he had changed a lot.

While sitting down in the living room, they looked strangely at Mina who was sitting at the side, especially at the pair of cat ears.

"Uncle Ben, you are finally here."Lucas was very happy because many of his plans were stopped because he was short on manpower.

"We didn't expect that you would actually become a noble in this territory." Ben sighed.

"It was an opportunity given by a certain old man who was harboring bad intentions by chance." Lucas shrugged.

Who said it wasn't? Buying a noble title that included a territory and Sedona City with 5 glass cups would be unthinkable on Earth.

"This is an opportunity, but it is also a hot potato. Have you thought it through?" Ben said solemnly.

Lucas knew what he was talking about. Just like Mina said, if he couldn't defend against the wheat robbing horse thieves then it would be the end of his career as a noble and life.

"I've decided but I need your help, Uncle Ben." Lucas got up and said sincerely.

He knew how powerful the members of Ben's family were, especially Uncle Ben even though he has a leg missing, he could still kill five thieves alone and save him.

"Aiden, Tony, Jack, Henry, James Pledge allegiance!" Ben stood up and moved aside, yelling, "As a cripple, I won't take up a place, let the youngsters do work."

"No no no…" Lucas hurriedly said. "I'm missing a manager here. You are the best candidate. As for your missing leg, I have a way to make you be able to walk like a normal person again."

"What?" May and the others opened their eyes wide and looked at Lucas impatiently and said, "Lucas, is what you said real? Can you really let Ben (father) walk like a normal person?"

Ben also looked at Lucas suspiciously with a trace of desire flashed in his eyes; no one wanted to be a cripple.

"Of course, I can make Uncle Ben walk like a normal person right now." Lucas nodded affirmatively.

"Then hurry up, as long as you can let my father walk. I can even give you my life," Aiden anxiously shouted.

"Pa!" Ben slapped Aiden's head and said, "Don't be rude. If it's possible then it's good but if it's not then it can't be forced."

"Don't worry uncle. It'll definitely work." Lucas smiled confidently. He took out a key, threw it to Mina and said, "Mina, go to the study room to open the safe and bring box number ten."

Mina nodded and took the key. She knew how to open the safe. Lucas had taught her and she could open it as long as she had two keys and a password.

Everyone waited anxiously and soon Mina came down holding a wooden box the length of her arms and placed it in Lucas's hand and returned the key to Lucas.

"Uncle Ben, come on, sit down first." Lucas opened the box and took out a prosthetic right leg which he had ordered a long time ago. He went to get it after returning to Earth yesterday. He had originally planned to use it to repay a favor.

"Okay!" Ben was a little nervous. He pulled up one of his trouser legs revealing his missing leg.

Lucas installed the prosthesis for Ben according to the instruction manual. After a few adjustments he said confidently, "Uncle Ben, stand up and give it a try."

"Gulp…" Someone swallowed his saliva, and everyone nervously looked at Ben.

"Hu…" Ben took a deep breath. He abruptly got up and then started walking in the living room. Although his movements were a bit stiff. It still meant that he could walk normally.

"Ha ha ha…" Ben laughed happily, and Aiden also yelled in excitement, "My father can walk…"

Both May and Nicole's happy eyes moistened and they fixed their gaze on Ben who was walking non-stop.

"After Uncle Ben practices a few times. He will be able to walk just like a normal person." Lucas adjusted the prosthetic leg again.

"Hu…" Ben nodded fiercely. He glanced at his wife and children before coming to Lucas and knelt down on one knee. The five sons behind him, May and Nicole, all knelt down with him.

"We are willing to sacrifice our lives for you. We will be loyal to you forever. We are willing to become a sharp sword in your hand to cut off the life of your enemy…"

Mina, who was on the side, also quietly knelt down on one knee.