Chapter 18

Chris dumbfoundedly stared at the things in his arms. Shoes, helmet, towel, wooden cup, and wooden bowl. These things would cost at least a few hundred copper coins to buy and they gave it to him just like that?

"What are you standing there for? Quickly get out of the way. Don't block other people from receiving their things." Aiden said.

"Oh yes…" Chris nodded blankly and walked away.

In fact other people had similar reactions to him.

When there were 11 people by Chris's side, Tony led them to a house.

"This is the place where you will live. 12 people live in one house. Now you come in with me." Tony said, leading the way into the house. He distributed the rooms.

Chris looked at the bunk bed and was surprised. It was much better than the bed in his house. He had originally thought they were going to sleep on the ground, at most having some hay to make a bed. He didn't expect there to be a bed.

"Listen up, the military camp is not your house. Everything has rules here. Everything must be put neatly, don't put them in random places. Otherwise, everyone in the house will be punished if one person fails an inspection." Tony said with a serious face.

Then Tony started, they all listened carefully to things like how to fold towels and where to place shoes. Everything must be neat and organized.

When Chris saw the blanket that Tony had folded into a square, he was dumbfounded. Did he have to fold his blanket like this every time he got up in the future?

"You saw what I taught. In the future, you will have to do this when you get up in the morning. Now you can start organizing." Tony left after he said those words. He needed to lead the next group of people to go to their rooms.

Lucas brought over the military training from Earth. In his words, everyone should taste the tortures that he had suffered back then.

"Ding!" After they heard a bell ring, a few loud sounds came. "Everyone get out here right now. Those who will come late won't get dinner to eat!"

Chris and the others immediately went out of the house and they saw Ben and his sons yelling outside and they were holding wooden sticks in their hands.

They now realized that everything was spoken by rules in this military camp. Everyone immediately went down and lined up, waiting for the instructions.

Ben saw this and admired the young master even more, and thought, 'Young master said to use sticks and rewards to subtly change these people. To make them obedient and orderly.'

"Next time when the bell rings, you will only have 30 seconds to gather. If you pass the time limit, you will have to wash the restroom for 1 month," Ben yelled. "There must be someone who is asking what a restroom is. You see the house over there? In the future when you go pee or poop scram in there to do so. Whoever dares to poop or pee in other places will be punished."

He didn't know why the young master wanted to make a restroom. As long as it was Lucas's order, Ben would carry it out as much as he could.

If Lucas knew about this question, he would definitely swear. There were no such things as restrooms in this era. Urine and feces could be seen everywhere on the ground. The bad odor could be smelled just by walking on the streets. Some girls just find a hidden place to solve the problem.

He heard from Ben that it was the same in the capital and it made him feel disgusted.

Chris opened his mouth but when he saw the warning in Ben's eyes he didn't say anything. He didn't know why there was such an unnecessary thing. After all, they could just go to a corner to settle their bussissnes. They would at most make a hole and then bury the hole after they were done.

"Right now, all of you line up and go over there to cut your hair and then go to take a bath in the bathroom and put on your training clothes." Ben pointed to the chairs a short distance away. There were about a dozen people standing behind chairs. They were invited from the city to cut hair.

Whether they were willing or not under the threat of the wooden sticks of Aiden and others. They all obediently went to cut their hair.

Chris touched his one inch long hair and felt very cool. He took his training uniform to the bathroom. There were large buckets inside.

"What's in it? So many bubbles?" Chris asked curiously.

"Things that can make your body clean. Quickly go in."

Under James's gaze, Chris went into the barrel.

Smells good. It was the first feeling Chris had. Then his whole body was slippery. Especially when he rubbed his body with his hands and black things came out, which made his face red and he thought, so my body is actually this dirty.

"This is what Lord Lucas uses to take a bath. He cares about everyone, so he took it out to let you use it. Remember Master Lucas's kindness." James said in a loud voice.

Chris nodded. He could feel the nobleness of the bubble. Something that could give off a good smelling fragrance wasn't something that anyone could afford to use.

Once everyone cut their hair, took a bath and stood in the plaza wearing their training uniform. They gave off a completely different feeling.

"Tomorrow, you will be formally participating in the training. I don't want to see some of you being kicked out of the military camp. Because if that happens, you will lose your face." Ben shouted. He currently had no doubts about Lucas's military training methods. "Answer me loudly. Do you want to be kicked out?" Ben yelled.

"No!" People shouted one after the other and it gave out a weak shout.

"Are you ladies? Even ladies shout louder than you." Ben yelled.

"No!!!" This time, it was so loud that even people in the castle could hear it.