Chapter 35

Annie's heart settled down after eating the wheat porridge. However, after Andrew described what he experienced, Annie's heart almost popped out of her chest, even though she had none. Well, no, she had breasts, they were just slightly flat.

"What- what did you say? A human girl named Sophie discovered your identity as a beastkin and let you go? She also helps you to recover and feed you vegetable soup despite knowing your identity as a beastkin. " Annie asked, staring at him, her fox ears shaking.

"Old Pig Head, Cowardly Bear, you guys go out and guard the cave." Annie yelled.

"Yes." A response quickly came from the outside.

"Ye- yes, Sophie was very kind to me. She was the only human that was kind to me. She even kept my wheat safe without taking anything for me." Andrew affirmed.

Annie was silent and stared at Andrew blankly. Everyone else told her that bull beastkins were simple and honest, and she finally admitted it today. However, she wanted to say that Andrew was just simply being stupid.

"And, you were quite brave today. I told you to inquire for information about Mina, but you actually went ahead and worked between humans? Let me tell you, if you get caught, you'll become a slave that carries cow dung."

Annie said, trying to scare Andrew. She didn't want to let Andrew think that just because one human was kind to him, many humans would also be kind to him. Those kinds of thoughts were very dangerous.

"Big sister, can we not mention cow dung?"Andrew was a bit helpless.

"Nope. You're a bull beastkin," Annie said lightly. "You can't despise yourself."

The corner of Andrew's mouth trembled. He wasn't that four legged animal. But he didn't dare to talk back, or else the beastkins outside would drag him out and beat him up for talking back to their Big sister.

"Right, Big sister, I have a piece of good news. You will definitely want to hear it." Andrew said hurriedly, changing the subject.

"Do you have any information about Mina?" Annie was smart and immediately thought of Mina. She said excitedly, "Quickly speak, otherwise I'll tell others the story of you falling into a dung pit."

"Uh… yes, I heard about her." The corner of Andrew's mouth twitched so much that it got a cramp. "I heard that Sedona City's noble, Lucas, has a cat beastkin in his castle. I suspect that that beastkin is second sister Mina, she was probably captured by Lucas."

"How could second sister Mina be captured? She is an assassin. She is very strong."

The beastkins outside that were eavesdropping immediately raised their voices and shouted in disbelief. In their hearts, the second sister Mina was the strongest.

"Yeah, second sister Mina is stronger than many human knights. She can kill many soldiers easily. She is a strong warrior, how could she be caught?"

"That noble must have used some kind of dirty scheme or trick for trapping second sister Mina. We must go and save the second sister."

At this moment, Andrew somewhat didn't want to live. The people outside were eavesdropping, which meant that the story of him falling into the cow dung pit was heard by them.

"Alright, we need to carefully discuss this. We will act tonight." Annie said softly, comforting everyone.

'Little cat Mina, please be safe. I'm coming to rescue you. If something happens to you, I'll kill the noble to keep you company. The whole Sedona City will die. I swear by the fox race and the name Annie.'

Annie called over a few beastkins and arranged a few things. Ignoring the protests of the other beastkins, she left with Andrew at night to go to Lucas's castle.

By the time Andrew brought Annie to Sedona City, it was already nighttime at around 9 o'clock. There weren't many people on the road. Everyone had worked for the whole day, so they all went to rest. Of course, the main reason was that there weren't any entertainment activities.

The only activity, of course, was making babies. Lucas passed a new policy that encouraged giving birth. Even if people were tired, they were willing to move. After all, now the city lord was giving them jobs, food and houses to live. They can happily feed their families and make new family members.

Lucas wanted to increase the population of the city because more people mean more working power. And another reason was because the population of children in Sedona City is much lower than the other age group.

Andrew and Mina walked in the shadows of the houses. This was something that Mina had taught them.

"Ahhhh… harder… fuck…. harder…. coming… darling slap my ass… yessss."

Suddenly, a woman's voice came out from a house, which made Annie's face red. She cursed in her heart that the woman was shameless, as that yell could be heard a few dozen meters away.

"Big sister, do human women like being hit?"

The innocent Andrew scratched his head and asked for advice in a low voice.


"Shut up." Annie slapped the back of Andrew's head. Her embarrassment turned into anger, and she said viciously, "All human women are perverts, including Sophie."

"Ah???" Andrew's eyes widened and his body stiffened. A scene appeared in his mind. In the scene, he had tied up Sophie and used his hand to slap her, and Sophie was shouting "harder". That scene made Andrew shiver. And a certain part of his body semihard.

"Im- Impossible. Big sister Annie, you're lying, right?" Andrew asked.

"Hmph! There's nothing impossible. All human women are perverts." Annie said, raising her face arrogantly. She urged, "Quickly lead the way, that little kitty is still waiting for us to save her."

"Oh oh…" Andrew hurriedly shook his head. He decided that the next time he met Sophie, he would ask if she also liked to be hit.

He was very strong. Thinking about that, Andrew looked forward to the next time they met.

Annie didn't realize that the words she had said in anger and embarrassment had tainted the innocence of Andrew.

After an hour of sneaking around, Andrew and Annie entered the castle from a hidden place and got into the back yard.

"It seems like Mina had taught him quite a bit of skills." Annie muttered to herself. She knew that these infiltration type missions were some of the things that Mina was skilled at. Now that Andrew could also do that, it means that he had been taught some core skills by Mina.

Annie and Andrew came to the bottom of a second-story castle. The 2 slightly heard a voice from the castle and decided to capture a person to ask where Mina was.

"Climb up, this castle is relatively remote, there shouldn't be many people coming here." Annie instructed. She had previously seen the layout.

"Okay, Big Sis, you stay behind me. If something goes wrong, you escape first." Andrew said solemnly.

"Okay, don't worry. I will leave." Annie was smiling. "I will go to the cow dung pit to rescue you."

"Eh…" The corner of Andrew's mouth twitched. He crawled up the corner of the castle nimbly with his hands and feet.

Annie followed closely behind. She was more nimble than Andrew. The 2 got to the window of the castle quite quickly and heard a familiar voice.

"Mina's voice?" Annie's eyes widened with joy.

"Andrew, quick, break the window and rush in to save her." Annie slapped Andrew's back.


Andrew, who was waiting for the order, immediately put strength into his arms, smashed the window, and rushed into the castle.

"Mina, I'm here to rescue…" Annie rushed in right behind Andrew, but the next second, no words came out from her mouth.

"This…" Annie looked at the three people in front of her, dumbfounded, with her jaws dropped.

Mina had laid her head down on Lucas's lap. Lucas had one hand on the cat ears and one hand on an ear picker. The current scene was obviously Lucas cleaning Mina's ears.

Yes, it was just ear cleaning. Mina's ears were so sensitive that she couldn't stand earwax picking, and Annie knew that.

"An- Annie?" Mina shouted excitedly. She got up suddenly and rushed over to hug Annie. She picked her up, like a mother hugging a little girl.

"Just now…"

"Ah? What happened?" Mina was a bit confused and hugged Annie tightly.

"No- nothing…" Annie replied, a bit dizzy.

Lucas blinked his eyes, still confused about the current situation. Could it be that Mina's friends love to come in through the window as guests?

Nicole walked in front of Lucas and covered him with her eyes staring at Andrew and her soft body trembling. 'No one can hurt young master! Unless I fall!' Those were the only thoughts in her mind right now.