Chapter 57

After watching the War Wolves' training, Lucas, Mina, and Annie had gone to watch the training of the other soldiers, and before they realized it, the day was already over. They had lunch in the barracks. It was already evening when they got back to the castle.

"Young Master, this is the situation in town today." Ben said, greeting Lucas and handing him a document.

"Oh? Did something happen?" Lucas asked. It was unusual for Ben to be the person giving Lucas the documents.

Lucas flipped through the documents and soon saw a message saying that several unidentified people had appeared in the city and that Max's grandson, Ricky, had also shouted that there were human traffickers.

Lucas had made a simple intelligence agency and had people pay attention to abnormalities in the city and record the information. Lucas used to look at the information to practice his analytical skills. Ben heard about it and got interested in it, so Lucas put him in charge of the matter.

"Do you know who they were?" Lucas asked, putting down the documents. The answer was obvious as there were only a few people with noble clothes that would come to Sedona City at this time.

"They had disguised themselves." Ben said. He had sent someone to observe the group of people when he first got the message, but he couldn't figure out who they were.

"Don't mind them. If their target is us, they will come to us on their own." Lucas said, smiling. "Besides, I have a hunch that we will meet soon."

Mina blinked and looked at Lucas in confusion. She didn't understand what Lucas was saying.

Annie, on the other hand, immediately understood what Lucas was saying."Young Master, who do you think they are?"

"Who have we recently offended? Sedona City is changing day by day. Who do you think would be most concerned about this place changing?"

"We recently hanged a few food merchants that were serving Baron Omar." Mina said while raising her hand.

Annie thought for a while and said, "Who is most concerned about this place? Could it be Carter? Yes, it must be him. Carter had sold the terriBryan and his noble title to Young Master. Everyone knows that he had some sort of scheme, so he will definitely pay attention to what happens in Sedona City. Carter is most likely one of the people that had come to Sedona City."

"Good job." Lucas said. "You'll get extra food as your reward. I'll tell them to make an extra serving of stir-fried eggs and tomatoes."

"Really?" Annie asked, her eyes shining.

"Yes." Lucas said, nodding. Mina and Annie both had a favorite food. Mina's favorite foods were polished rice porridge and lean meat porridge.

Annie's favorite food was stir-fried tomatoes and eggs, and she preferred it to be sweet. She said that it was because her previous days were extremely bitter so she had to eat sweet things to make up for it. Eating too much sugar was a burden on the body, so Lucas would limit her consumption.

"Young Master, what about me? I also want extra servings of polished rice porridge." Mina said, putting her hand on top of Annie and looking at him pitifully.

"We have enough polished rice porridge. You can eat as much as you want." Lucas said. He didn't know why, but he felt that Mina was much more carefree than before. Is it because of Annie? Or is it in cats' genes?

"I just need two servings." Mina said.

"Mina. You got heavier again," Annie said, getting away from Mina. She looked at Mina's big boobs and said furiously, "They pressed me just now. You definitely did that on purpose. You want to break my head from your chest."

"Annie, don't be so petty," Mina said, grinning. She looked at Annie's flat chest and said, "What, are you envious?"

"You… you…" Annie was furious, and she pouted. "Mina, you're definitely a mutated catgirl."

"Tsk tsk tsk… Mutated? It feels like a good thing." Mina said, shaking her body.

"Ahhhhh… Take this. Eighteen Subduing Cat Tickles." Annie screamed, rushing toward Mina.

"You pervert." Mina yelled, jumping up and running away.

"Don't run. I still have seventeen more moves to use." Annie took out a feather and chased after her.

Lucas smiled as he looked at the two ladies messing around with each other. "It's good to be young. Actually, no, it's the youth with a catgirl and a foxgirl that is good."

Mina and Annie would play around with each other at least once a day. It could be that they were aiming to make up for the childhood that they didn't have. When Lucas got to the dining room, Mina and Annie were sitting at the table, staring at the dishes on the table.

"Young Master, welcome back." Nicole said, smiling and pulling out a chair for Lucas to sit in.

"Nicole, you seem to be in a good mood today." Lucas said.

Nicole only shook her head. 'I can't say that I'm in a good mood because I'm doing what I like, can I?'

Lucas didn't pursue the topic and just waved his hand and said, "Let's eat."

Mina immediately started eating the bowl of lean meat porridge that she was holding. Her tail swayed from side to side as she enjoyed the food.

"Hey! Mina. Your tail is tickling me." Annie said. She hugged her plate of stir-fried eggs and tomatoes with one hand and tried to pick some up with her chopsticks. However, the moment she picked the eggs up, her body shook and the egg fell back into her plate.

"Eat your food. Otherwise, I'll eat it for you." Mina said, licking her lips.

"How dare you." Annie said anxiously. She immediately got up and ran to the other side of Lucas with the stir-fried eggs and tomatoes in her hand. She knew that Mina would actually do it, as she herself had often taken Mina's food and ate them.

Lucas knew that this was just a sign of the friendship between the two.

"Young Master, Bryan from Sakura City is here." Ben whispered.

"Oh? It hasn't even been five days yet. It seems like they are quite anxious," Lucas said, smiling. "Invite him over and have someone get an extra bowl and a pair of chopsticks."

"Understood." Ben said as he walked toward the door.

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