Chapter 60

Lucas, accompanied by Mina, Annie, and Nicole, strolled through the Shopping Mall, giving off an air of authority, reminiscent of a CEO on an inspection with his secretaries. Following behind, Bryan had the air of a loyal lapdog.

At the entrance, they encountered four imposing male beastkins clad in leather armor, each wielding a one-meter-long wooden staff. These were the security guards of the Shopping Mall, their fearsome appearance and aura making onlookers avert their gaze.

But Lucas had a specific purpose in mind – he wanted these guards to be intimidating.

"Welcome to the Shopping Mall," the four beastkins declared, their nervousness evident, as they never imagined they'd find themselves in this role. To them, being a security guard was a highly esteemed position, evident by the crowd looking at them in awe.

Lucas offered praise, patting one of the guards on the shoulder. "Good job. If anyone causes trouble, arrest them," he instructed. "For those attempting to steal, confine them in the small black room."

"Understood!" the guards replied, shivering, their past experiences in the small black room still fresh in their minds.

Annie chimed in, her attempt at appearing fierce more cute than menacing. She was deeply invested in this opportunity to change humans' perceptions of beastkins and wanted everything to go smoothly in this critical stage. "Do your job properly, or I'll have Mina 'fix' you. You understand how Mina will 'fix' you, right?"

"Un-understood," the beastkins responded, straightening up immediately as Mina cast her stern gaze upon them. After all, being "fixed" by Mina would mean days of bed rest.

"Let's go."

Upon entering, they encountered counters filled with various small items.

"Huh? What are those?" Annie asked, her gaze fixed on the lollipops displayed on the counters.

"They're lollipops and candy, made with sugar, wheat flour, and dried fruit. You had some a few days ago, remember?" Nicole explained, her notebook in hand. "A chef at the castle prepared them according to Young Master's specifications. They're delicious."

These lollipops were a different world version, with only a hint of sweetness due to the scarcity of sugar in this era. The 100% sugar lollipops could only be produced the following year since Lucas had imported sugar cane from Earth.

Lucas had designed the Shopping Mall based on his own experiences, not conforming to conventional mall layouts. He believed in prioritizing what the citizens valued most – food. Thus, he placed snack counters in the Front End Department, ensuring that they would gain popularity quickly.

"Yes, I remember. It was made of sugar. I want it," Annie said, her eyes filled with longing.

"Then go ahead and buy one," Lucas said, offering a handful of steel coins from his pocket. "Use these."

"Eh? What's this? They're not copper coins. Can I use them to buy lollipops?" Annie asked, holding up one of the steel coins, noticing the delicate carvings with "1" in the center and "cent" just below it. On the other side, it bore an unfamiliar word, "Lucas."

"A cent? When was this currency introduced? Why haven't I seen it before?" Mina inquired, examining the steel coin.

Lucas chuckled and guided Annie forward, saying, "It can. You'll understand when you give it a try."

Annie made her way to the counter where a tall and robust female beastkin, Amber, was already waiting.

"Welcome. What can I get for you?" Amber inquired, trying to keep her nerves in check as she avoided the thought of making a mistake in front of Lucas.

"Eh? Amber, you're the one selling lollipops, huh? How lucky," Annie said, her voice tinged with envy, expressing her longing for a job involving lollipops.

Amber understood Annie's love for sweets. She, too, wished to buy candy and lollipops for Annie, but as an employee who depended on the City Lord's Mansion for her sustenance, she had no money of her own.

"I'd like a lollipop," Annie stated eagerly.

Amber explained, "A lollipop costs a cent, which is the same as a steel coin," as she handed a lollipop to Annie.

"A cent?" Annie asked, looking at the steel coin in her hand. She was beginning to grasp the significance of the steel coins. She handed one to Amber and inquired, "How many steel coins can you get by using one copper coin? And how many cents is a copper coin?"

Amber clarified, "One copper coin can be exchanged for 10 steel coins."

Annie mused, "I see. Citizens wouldn't be willing to spend one copper coin for a lollipop. But if it's a tenth of a copper coin, they'd definitely buy it."

Lucas contributed to the conversation, explaining his vision for transforming the world's currency system, with steel coins at its forefront. He intended to replace copper, silver, and gold coins as he gained more influence and power. This was a long-term plan, one that required significant strength to accomplish.

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