Chapter 74

Mina squatted in front of the salt pile. Looking at the black salt ores, she found it hard to associate them with the white salt she had previously seen and eaten when Lucas stored the salt boxes in the vault.

"Young Master, does the salt we eat come from here?" Mina asked in a soft voice with a slight confusion in her tone to Lucas.

"Yes. It's incredible, right? This world is way more complicated than it seems. There are many things that you might not have seen before in your life. In my hometown, people can go up in the sky and down into the ground, and travel hundreds of kilometers in a day."

"What? How is that possible?" Nicole said, her eyes widening and jaws dropping. She would have been fine with anything else, but flying and traveling hundreds of kilometers in just a day was way too unbelievable for her. She couldn't help but ask Lucas for answers.

"Ha ha ha… Nothing is impossible. Maybe we can also do it in the future. Eh, we probably will do it in the future." Lucas said, smiling brightly. With the current industrial power of this world, asking him to build aircraft, excavators, and the like would be asking the impossible. However, there were other ways he could try to accomplish these goals. He just needs to take baby steps.

"As for flying, are you talking about bird beastkins? But I haven't heard anything about them in a long time. I heard they were killed or something." Annie said, frowning.

"Bird beastkins?" Lucas asked Annie, blinking his eyes. "Are they the beastkins with wings?"

"Hmm? Young Master, have you seen them before?" Mina said, surprised. "I haven't seen any since about 5 years ago."

"No, I have never seen them before. Mina, you were the first beastkin I saw. You remember I said that to you before." Lucas said, shaking his head. He realized that he still had a lot to learn about this world. He didn't know how many types of species he could find here of people or beastkin.

"They are the beastkins with the most amount of freedom due to their ability to fly. They could go anywhere they want in the world easily. However, they all disappeared without a trace after the blizzard 5 years ago. After that nobody had seen them. Before the blizzard they could be seen flying in the sky from time to time but after the blizzard nobody had seen them in the sky or anywhere." Mina said sadly. All the beastkins of the other races were envious of the bird beastkins because they could fly freely in the sky.

"Alright, let's not think about the sad things anymore and start making salt. It is a process which should be done with care. " Lucas said, hurriedly changing the subject. If they continue, they would bring up a ton of bad memories, which would ruin a perfectly good day. 'Girls are cuter when they smile.' That was Lucas philosophy whether they were beastkin or normal human girl.

"What do we need to do?" Annie asked excitedly. She was interested in odd things and had recently been pestering Nicole to teach her to make cake and sweets.

"Bring all the tools over here." Lucas orders the servant.

A servant immediately went to get the tools. Salt sieves, hammers, cloth, charcoal, wooden barrel, iron pots, and stone mills for grinding salt were all brought in.

The soldiers went to guard the door and those who stayed in could be trusted. That was how Lucas usually did things. Every time Lucas planned to do something big, he would have soldiers guard the door. He would even make soldiers guard the roof.

"Let's start then." Lucas said excitedly. He took a hammer and smashed the salt ores into smaller pieces. He then poured them into the stone mill.

Mina took the initiative to turn the stone mill and pushed it around easily. Even though strength wasn't a specialty of cat beastkins, they were still stronger than humans by a long margin. Lucas had the same strength level as Mina because he had been daily going over Earth. And travelling between worlds improve his body repeatedly.

The salt ores were grind into powder. Lucas then mixed the powder into the water, turning the water murky and dark gray.

"This…" No one in the room understood what was happening, as they couldn't see any salt.

Lucas got another barrel, covered the barrel with 3 layers of linen, and poured the water onto the linen. The linen filtered out many unwanted substances. The water also became a slightly lighter color.

"Eh? The color of the water became lighter." Annie said, hurriedly writing something down in her notepad.

"All the salt is in the water. The reason why the salt that everyone sees isn't white is because there are a lot of impurities in the salt." Lucas explained them. He then picked up another wooden bucket and covered it with 7 layers of linen, and poured in the water again. The color changed again and became a light brownish and reddish color.

"The water is relatively clean right now and most of the impurities have been filtered out. Now we just need to remove the toxic impurities from the water…"

Lucas wrapped a few pieces of charcoal with linen and put them in a wooden funnel. He then wrapped some more charcoal with linen and put that on top of the previous one and placed the funnel on top of a small barrel. "Charcoal is a good thing. Not only can we use it to make fire, but it can also absorb many toxic substances."

Then he poured water into the funnel, and the water that fell into the barrel below had a light blue color.

"The color changed again." Nicole said, amazed.

"This water is now safe and non-toxic. Now we just have to boil the water dry for salt." Lucas said as he poured the water into an iron pot, and Nicole immediately started a fire under it.

"Is that all we have to do?" Mina asked, looking at the boiling water in the pot.

"We just need to wait for a while before we can see the salt." Lucas said, laughing lightly. This was the method that he had found back when he was searching on internet.

Time passed, and the water in the pot was boiled dry, leaving behind a layer of light blue crystals.

"Is this salt?" Ben asked, his eyes widening. 'How come these salts look completely different from the ones that I know?'

"This is rock salt. You'll know after you taste it." Lucas shrugged. He got a piece of rock salt and put it in his mouth. It had a pure salt taste.

Ben took a pinky sized rock salt and put it in his mouth. It was so salty that his expression changed, but he resisted the urge of spitting it out as he was unwilling to waste it.

"Let me try it."

"Salt actually appears in such a magical way? I'll definitely regret it if I don't try it."

"I want to take some back with me to cook meals with."

"Salt merchants, be afraid. No one will buy your overpriced salt anymore."





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