Chapter 104

Several newbie doctors and combat medics gathered around Lucas, and they all stared at Lucas. They were visible red veins in their eyes.

The corners of Lucas's eyes twitched. These guys look like they have exophthalmos. He opened the first aid kit Nicole had given to no.8. It had a few simple pieces of equipment for testing blood types.( Exophthalmos: Bulging of the eyes, which causes the eyes to move out of the sockets in one or both eyes.)

It was very easy to test blood types. After opening the hospital Lucas returned back to Earth to learn how to test blood type. After seeing many videos on the internet, he had first tested his own blood type and also take another blood test in a hospital on Earth. After the results came out he became happy and remembered the steps very clearly.

"People have different types of blood. They can basically be divided into Type A, Type B, Type AB, and Type O blood," Lucas said as he took out two bottles of blood reagents.

"These are called blood group reagents, the most important things for testing blood types. They have two types, Type A and Type B."

This was the first time that the group around Lucas had heard that humans had so many blood types, and they were confused.

The newbie doctors were so excited that their lips were shaking as they took out sheepskin scrolls and quickly wrote the information down.

Seeing this, Lucas frowned a little, thinking that it was time to introduce paper to the market. He was only using the white paper in the castle for official documents and in all other places only sheepskin scrolls were used.

After the doctors finished writing, Lucas took out two pieces of glass from the first aid kit, which caused the others to start panting as they thought that the glasses were crystals.

Lucas didn't explain and just said, "You don't need to use this. Ceramic pieces are fine."

The doctors all relaxed at that. They probably wouldn't be able to afford crystal pieces even if they sold themselves.

Lucas took out a clean cloth from the first aid kit, wrote "A" and "B" on the cloth, and put a piece of glass on top of each letter.

"This is to determine what type of blood Bruce has."

The doctors frantically wrote everything down.

Lucas put the blue Type A antibody on the glass on top of the letter A and the yellow Type B antibody on top of the letter B, and took out a needle from the first aid kit.

"It is now the most important step, distinguishing blood type."

Lucas looked at Bruce and saw that both of his fingers were dirty, so he pricked Bruce's earlobe and got two drops of blood to get on the glasses.

After a while, the blood on the glass with Type A antibody clumped, which caused Lucas to breathe a sigh of relief as it showed that the people in this world could use the antibodies from Earth.

"The blood on the crystal strip with letter A clumped up, which means that Bruce has Type A blood. Now we just need to check everyone's blood type to find the person with Type A blood to give him a blood transfusion and save him." Lucas said, holding up the glass. As for whether or not there would be complications and side effects after blood transfusion, well, he had no idea. He was using Bruce as a guinea pig for medical practice.

The doctors all stretched their necks as they looked at the two pieces of glass, and saw that the blood on the glass with Type A antibody had clumped while the blood on the glass with the Type B antibody had not. This caused their doubt to disappear, and made them so excited that their bodies were shaking, so much so that people without any idea what was going on would think that they had epilepsy

"Check my blood, use mine," Tony yelled, pulling out a military knife, waving it around. "Young Master, how much blood do you need? I'll give it to you right now."

"You idiot, put down the knife." Lucas said angrily. "Do you also want to lose too much blood and then have to get a blood transfusion?"

Aiden slapped the back of Tony's head, which made Lucas's eyes twitch. 'If this continues, will Tony get beaten to the point that he becomes an idiot?'

"Second brother, why are you being stupid again? Didn't you see that only two drops of blood were taken?" Aiden said, glaring at him.

"Eh… I got a bit too excited." Tony said embarrassingly, putting away the military knife. He had a very good relationship with Bruce, so when he heard that Bruce could be saved, he got a bit hotheaded.

"Come, you guys come over and help," Lucas said, taking out a few more pieces of glass and handing them to the doctors.


The doctors trembled as they took the pieces of glass and copied what Lucas had done and tested the blood of the people present.

Lucas looked and saw that Aiden had Type B blood while Tony had Type A blood. Since their blood types were different, it meant that their parents have different blood types, so one of them could have inherited their father's blood type while the other could have inherited their mother's blood type.

"Young Master, why won't my blood clump up on either one?" Mina asked, a bit down.


Lucas turned his head and saw Mina looking at him with a wronged expression on her face.

'Could beastkins really have different blood than humans?' Mina thought.

"Eh?" A trace of surprise flashed through Lucas's eyes, and he smiled lightly. "If the blood doesn't clump up on either blood reagent, then it means that you have Type O blood, which is also my blood type."

"Really? The same blood type as you?" Mina asked, staring at Lucas, afraid that she had misheard him.

"Really." Lucas said, nodding his head.

"He he he…" Mina laughed, happy about the fact that she had the same blood type as Lucas.

"Lord Lucas, if the blood clumps up on both crystal strips, then does that mean the blood is Type AB blood?"

"Yes," Lucas said, nodding. All four blood types had people present, and only a few people had Type A blood.

"Young Master, draw my blood, draw mine." Tony yelled after getting confirmation that he had Type A blood.

Lucas nodded. "Bring the bed over and make it a bit high."

Looking at Aiden, who had a concerned expression on his face, Lucas smiled lightly. "Don't worry, it's fine for people to lose blood. It can sometimes make people healthier. Of course, that only applies to healthy people without anemia."

As he said that, Lucas thought of a certain dark era where people would get treated by bloodletting. No matter what disease they had, doctors would immediately give them a cut and make them lose blood, saying that it was to cure them. It was as if bloodletting was the cure for every disease.

Lucas couldn't help but shiver when he thought about it, and he said to the doctors, "Strong young humans could die if they lose a liter of blood at once, so don't think that bloodletting could cure diseases."

"Understood." All the doctors and medic nodded their heads while listening to Lucas.





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