Chapter 144

A maid came in carrying two canned fish from the box of canned fish Chris gave the maid at the castle gate. She carefully disposed of the mud that was used to seal the ceramic jar and slowly lifted the lid of the jar. The rich fragrance of the garlic and meat quickly spread out in the banquet, and with a slight whiff of the scent, Lucas knew that the fish meat was good and tasty.

"Your Excellency, please have a taste." Lucas said, waving his hand to Sakura's city lord.

Mina got up from her chair, took a ceramic jar of fish, poured a fish on two ceramic plates one for herself and another one for Lucas, and put it in front of Lucas.

The maid copied Mina's action and poured the fish on a ceramic plate and put it in front of Sakura City's City Lord. The maid was about to drool just from the smell of the fish. All the people present in the banquet were drooled by the smell of fish.

Sakura City's City lord gulped as he smelled the rich fragrance of the fish, which seemed to be enticing him to eat it. He stared at it, and then he grabbed a fish with his hand and shoved it into his mouth. The taste of the fish seemed to stimulate his taste buds, making his eyes narrow into a slit. He was lost in the taste of the fish that he felt like he was in heaven.

"Delicious. This is the most delicious dish that I have ever eaten." Sakura City's City Lord said as he sucked on his fingers. The maid quickly poured all the fish on the plates for everyone to eat.

As Sakura's city lord finished licking his fingers, the noble middle-aged women and young men and women all went to reach for the fish, and the fish soon disappeared, and a middle-aged woman even went ahead and used a piece of wheat bread to clean the soup, saving them the trouble of having to clean the plate. All the people finished eating the fish as soon as it was served to them.

"You all…"

The fish had already been eaten by them when Sakura City's City Lord reacted. His veins were visible on his forehead. 'Since when did my family and nobles of Sakura City have such poor manners and have no rules at all? Not even a drop of soup left for me.'

Lucas and Mina blinked as they looked at Sakura City's City Lord's family's and noble's behavior and the empty plates that were in front of them, and then looked at their own plates that were still untouched.

"Uh…" Sakura City's City Lord opened his mouth, but he was too embarrassed to say anything.

Lucas immediately understood what that meant, so he lightly kicked Mina's foot and signaled her.

Mina immediately reacted and immediately understood what Lucas was telling her with his eyes. He was telling her to eat quickly. Mina lowered her head and started to eat the fish, ignoring Sakura City's City Lord's eager eyes.

"Your Excellency, this dish that you made is the most delicious dish ever, it is much better than the food in all the cities here." Sakura City's City Lord praised Lucas. He had never ever tasted any food that was better than this. Looking at the big roasted pieces of meat in front of him, he didn't have any appetite at all. They tasted stale compared to the fish meat that he had just been served.

Sakura City's City Lord immediately understood why Lucas didn't really touch the food in front of him; he thought it tasted too terrible. This was a great blow to nobles. Nobles who made dishes that the guests thought tasted terrible were basically failures.

"Thank you for the compliment. I'm just particularly picky, so I decided to study a bit more on food." Lucas responded politely. He glanced at Mina, who was having a great time eating the fish. That satisfied expression made him want to go and pinch her cheeks.

"If I get the opportunity, I will definitely attend Your Excellency's banquet. I hope that I will still be able to eat such delicious food." Sakura City's City Lord said with eagerness in his eyes. To a foodie noble, an extremely good dish was enough to drive them crazy.

"Ha ha ha," Lucas laughed and waved his hand. "Your Excellency, you are more than welcome to come and visit us." Lucas folded his hands and rested his chin on them. "However, you can eat that dish even without coming to Sedona City."

"What?" Sakura City's City Lord suddenly stood up, his eyes wide, exclaiming, "Could it be that Your Excellency is willing to teach me how to make that dish?"

Lucas rolled his eyes. He finally saw just how thick-skinned the nobles in this world were. He said, "This is something that I spent several months working on to make, so I cannot teach it to Your Excellency."

"I got too excited." Sakura City's City Lord said, smiling apologetically. He had thought that by being thick-skinned, he would be able to get Lucas, a youngster, to feel too embarrassed and pressured to refuse. He hadn't expected Lucas to reject him outright.

Lucas had seen such a trick on Earth before. Some people would be thick skinned enough and ask for things, and the other person, to try to keep their relationship and stuff, reluctantly gives them the things asked. While this trick didn't have that high of a success rate, it was still worth a try.

"However, I can give you some that I make, it's just that…" Lucas smiled apologetically.

Without even waiting for Lucas to finish, Sakura City's City Lord said, "How much per jar?" As a noble, Sakura City's City Lord knew what Lucas wanted. He was willing to spend some money on such delicious food.

"300 copper coins per jar." Lucas said, holding up 3 fingers. "This is already a discounted price."

Sakura City's City Lord was shocked when he heard the price. It was expensive; extremely expensive. The ceramic jar wasn't very large. It was only about the size of a person's head. Besides, he had eaten fish before. Sakura City was a port city, so some commoners would go out and catch some fish, and it would cost at most 8 copper coins per kilogram of fish. The jar was only about 2 kg at most, and so 300 copper coins were way too much for a jar of fish.

"This canned fish was made using a bunch of special seasonings, and besides, it can be stored for about a hundred days. Your Excellency, do you think 300 copper coins is expensive?" Lucas asked.

"Really? Can it really be stored for 100 days?" Sakura City's City Lord exclaimed in shock. "How can it be? It's not smoked or dried."

"This is a secret recipe. And it's not only fish meat; there's also pork, beef, and more," Lucas said, straightening his body and smiling. "You Excellency, do you think that this is expensive? I am confident that if I sold this in the capital, many nobles will be willing, desperate even, to pay one silver coin for a jar."

Sakura City's City Lord knew that Lucas was right about the nobles in the capital. He knew that they had too much money for them to spend, so they would be willing to spend not one, but four silver coins for a jar of such a delicious dish.

"Your Excellency, how many of these meat jars do you have? I am willing to buy all of them," Sakura City's City Lord said, leaning forward forgetting about the people present on the table. "I will take as many as you have of these jars."





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