Chapter 146

"Of course, City Lord." Lucas said, smiling and nodding his head. However, before Sakura City's City Lord could get too excited, Lucas continued. "However, the secret recipe is currently still in development. There will be some time before I can start selling them."

There was no "secret recipe" for making cookies. The problem was raw materials which were mainly eggs. Domesticating and raising animals for eggs wasn't a thing yet, so the only chicken available were wild chicken- meaning that chicken eggs were actually quite scarce in this world.

There was also the problem with sugar which was available but very costly. Lucas had been planning to plant sugarcane plants but he didn't have time so his plan was to plant them after a week, so he could harvest them for sugar next year.

"Uh…" Sakura City's City Lord's jaw dropped. Who speaks in multiple phrases like that? He blankly looked at the cookies on the plate and decided to save them and eat them slowly.

"Please wait patiently." Lucas said, taking a sip of his coffee. He had no plans to just sell raw materials. He planned to make money by manufacturing items and selling the finished products.

"I am looking forward to it." said Sakura City's City Lord. He sighed and picked up the coffee in front of him. The slightly milky fragrance intoxicated him a bit, and he took a sip of it.

"Hiss… hot!" Sakura City's City Lord opened his mouth and fanned it with his hand in an attempt to cool down the coffee in his mouth. Even though it was burning his tongue, he was unwilling to spit it out.

"Phew…" Sakura City's City Lord finally managed to swallow the coffee after a long time. He felt as if he was sweating, but he didn't care about that. He felt like he had opened a door to a new world as he stared at the coffee in his hand.

Sakura City's City Lord usually drank bitter leaf tea, even though he didn't like it. It was so bitter that his face would twist just by drinking it. One might ask why he kept drinking it if he hated it so much. Well, it was a tradition passed down by many, many generations of nobles, and he was just honoring the tradition and following it. As for other reasons and benefits of drinking bitter leaf tea, he left them up to the scholars to find.

After drinking coffee, which, to him, tasted a thousand times better than bitter leaf tea, he did not want to go back and suffer the punishment of drinking bitter leaf tea again. His hand was trembling as he excitedly asked, "Y- your Excellency Lucas, this- what is this called?"

Lucas chuckled at the City Lord's reaction. "Careful there. It's quite hot when it's fresh. This is called cof- this is milk tea." Lucas said, changing his answer. He had no way of making coffee currently aside from Earth. He wasn't going to buy coffee from Earth to sell them- he was only bringing them from Earth to enjoy it himself.

Sakura City's City Lord forced a smile, his eyes watering slightly from the heat. "Yes, yes. It's just that this is the first time I've tasted milk tea. It's quite… intoxicated."

Lucas leaned back, a satisfied grin on his face. "It's an acquired taste. Once you get used to it, you'll find it quite enjoyable."

The City Lord nodded, setting the coffee cup down carefully. "Is this milk tea for sale? I can offer 20 silver coins per kilogram." Sakura City's City Lord said, staring at Lucas in anticipation.

Lucas smiled slightly. Since this world only has 2 drinks- wheat wine and bitter leaf tea- the appearance of a better drink was bound to drive people crazy.

"Of course. This is currently slowly being produced, but the production is super low, so the price…" Lucas said, lying without skipping a beat.

Mina's hands shook. She knew that the drink was called coffee and only the inner vault had it, so she was confused as to why Lucas said that it was milk tea and that it was in production.

"I've had enough of bitter leaf tea." Sakura City's City Lord said with an extravagant aura, waving his hand. "Money isn't a problem. I just want this milk tea." For people with a sweet tooth, making them drink bitter leaf tea was akin to murdering them. However, the witch doctors said that they would get sick if they only ate pastries and didn't drink bitter leaf tea at all, and since this knowledge and tradition have been passed down for many generations, Sakura City's City Lord had no choice to follow it.

"Your Excellency, did you see the paper packet that contained the milk tea?" Lucas asked.

"Yes." Sakura City's City Lord nodded his head.

"That small packet costs one silver coin, meaning that the cup of milk tea in your hand is worth one 1 silver coin." Lucas said. The paper packet Lucas was talking about was only 25 grams. One could only imagine just how much money he would be making from this.

"What?" Sakura City's City Lord's hand shook, almost spilling the milk tea in his hand. "Your Excellency, you are not joking, are you?"

"No no, I'm not joking. I originally didn't have any intentions of selling them and was only planning to drink them myself." Lucas said, shaking his head. Although he had no plans to sell coffee, he already thought of substitute products that he could sell. He would be able to make them with the stuff in this world, but the production was going to be very low.

"This…" Sakura City's City Lord lost his extravagant aura almost completely. He dumbfoundedly stared at the milk tea in his hand, surprised at Lucas's extravagance at drinking one silver coin away every day.

"I will buy a gold coin worth of milk tea for now." Sakura City's City Lord said, gritting his teeth. 'I'll just split the packets to use 3 or 4 times. That'll save me money.'

"Sure, I will have it sent along with the canned fish in 10 days." Lucas said, nodding.

"Okay." Sakura City's City Lord said, slowly sitting down. He felt that his back was full of sweat as he had spent quite a lot of money just for some food.

After this exchange, the place got pretty quiet. Sakura City's City Lord quietly drank his coffee, occasionally taking a cookie and stuffing it into his mouth. The noblewomen around him continuously swallowed their saliva as they watched him enjoy his meal.

Lucas looked at them in amusement, and then he gave his cup of coffee and cookies to Mina under the jealous gazes of the noblewomen.

"Your Excellency, I want to buy wheat from you this time as well," Lucas said.

"Oh? Sure?" Sakura City's City Lord froze for a bit and then immediately nodded his head. "I'll sell it to you at market price with a 10% discount."

"Thank you, Your Excellency." Lucas said, smiling lightly. A 10% discount would save him quite a bit of silver coins.

"No, thank you, Your Excellency. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have known about such delicious things in the world." Sakura City's City Lord said sincerely.

"I'm a foodie, and I'm also very picky, so I experiment and try to make things that fit my taste." Lucas said, smiling lightly.

"That's a good habit. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to taste such delicious food either." Sakura City's City Lord said, nodding his head. He could already tell how picky Lucas was. He had noticed that Lucas had brought his own tableware to use. And then Lucas and Sakura City's lord discuss the amount Lucas needed and how much money he would need to pay for it.

As they discussed the quantities and the cost, the City Lord's expression turned thoughtful. "I must say, Lucas, your attention to detail is impressive. It's not every day that one encounters someone with such a refined palate."

Lucas chuckled softly. "Thank you. It's important to me to make sure everything meets my standards. Quality is key, after all."

The City Lord nodded in agreement. "I can see that. Your meticulousness not only benefits you but also enhances the experience for those around you. I'm sure the people of Sakura City will appreciate the high standards you bring."

Lucas smiled appreciatively. "I hope so. And I'm grateful for the opportunity to do so here."

"We've disturbed you for a long time today, and it's about time we take our leave." Lucas said, slowly standing up.

Hearing that, Mina quickly finished the coffee and shoved the rest of her cookies into her mouth. She then smiled smugly at the noblewomen who were staring at her, then picked up the backpack and stood behind Lucas.

"Let me see you off," Sakura City's City Lord said, standing up with difficulty.

"No need," Lucas said, waving his hand. He smiled, nodded, and walked away. Seeing Sakura City's City Lord's hand on the cookies, he could tell that Sakura City's City Lord wasn't seeing him off sincerely but was instead trying to protect his food.

Mina quickly followed behind Lucas, curious about what milk tea was. 'Could it be a type of milk coffee?'

As they walked out, Lucas turned to Mina and said, "Milk tea is a bit different from milk coffee. It's brewed tea mixed with milk and often sweetened, and you can add various flavors or tapioca pearls for extra texture. It's pretty popular and refreshing."

Mina's eyes widened with interest. "That sounds fascinating. I can't wait to try it. But young master, what you have him was coffee, right?"

Lucas chuckled. "Yes, it was coffee. It is different from milk tea. We should be able to get some in Sedona City's castle. Who knows, you might end up liking it more than you expect." 





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