Chapter 69 Golden Body Sixth Rotation_1

No matter how fierce the punch, not only did it have no effect when slammed, but it also caused the Great Strength Divine Ape itself to be shaken until its whole body ached.

"Wa wu—!"

The Great Strength Divine Ape was almost infuriated to death. It swore that once the human came out, it would definitely capture the fellow alive and then force him to reveal how to enter this building.

It guessed right.

Ling Xiao had made a breakthrough.

He had broken through from the peak of the Martial Vein Quadruple Layer to the Martial Pulse Fifth Level, and because his Gang Qi was already saturated before, this breakthrough directly reached the late stages of the Martial Pulse Fifth Level, approaching the pinnacle.

His Gang Qi hadn't increased much, still around the peak of the Sixth Layer of Martial Meridians.

However, the quality of the Gang Qi had obviously improved, which meant his attack power had also reached the level of a martial artist at the early Sixth Level Martial Veins.