Chapter 223 Ancient Human Race_1

White Cloud Temple, True Spirit Hall.

Master Baiyun was sitting in the chief seat, with Zuo Leng and Ming Tian beside him.

In front of him were seated Ling Xiao, Ling Yixue, and others.

It was still the four true disciples and eight beginner disciples.

At this moment, Master Baiyun's injuries had largely healed; evidently, the expert from the Beast King Palace hadn't intended to take his life.

It was probably out of fear of the power behind Master Baiyun, the Moon Hua Sect.

Ling Xiao's resurrection had taken everyone in Yunkong City aback; even Master Baiyun could hardly believe it.

However, not even Master Baiyun was clear about just how miraculous the ninth rotation of the Nine Rotations Golden Body Technique was. Ling Xiao's resurrection was undeniably a blessing, and he didn't inquire further. At this moment, what he cared about the most was the Sect's expansion.