Chapter 250 Stealing the Divine Map_1

The Snow Lotus Sword Technique's third stance, Condensed Water, is a move capable of freezing everything in its wake. Its speed may not equal the first stance, and it lacks a force field, but the terrifying freezing power can bring an end to enemies;

The Snow Lotus Sword Technique's fourth stance, Ice Heart, should be considered an auxiliary move among the five stances of the sword technique.

While employing this move, all of True Essence within the body will transform into ice-based energy. In this state, the power of the remaining four stances of the Snow Lotus Sword Technique will at least double, if not increase by tenfold, which is truly fearsome.

Especially once the fifth stance has been mastered, it could truly be said to be as devastating as it is terrifying.

Of course, the greater the power, the greater the consumption, so during this process, Ling Xiao's precise control becomes critical.