002 Eat well and drink enough to work well_1

It has been a month since Otto was sold to this arena.

During this time, although Otto was always locked in a cage, he also learned a lot of information from Sofia's mouth.

This little elf loli was like a chatterbox, even if Otto didn't pay attention to her, she would talk a lot to a dragon beast that seemed to have no wisdom at all.

Now the place he is in is called Kor Town, which is a remote town in the Lait Kingdom, located in the north of the Arcadia Continent.

Besides the surrounding small countries, there are also various monsters in the wilderness and dense forests.

It is said that true dragons also appear in the surrounding area.

From the gossip around the arena, to her own past, and her expectations for the future, she never tires of confiding to Otto.

Most of her time was spent on Otto, and she even tried to reach out and touch Otto's head.

After not feeling any hostility, this has become her favorite thing to do every day.

These days, Otto's treatment among the surrounding group of monsters can be called luxurious, with three meals a day, all of them barbaric bull legs.

Sometimes it's even accompanied by the limbs of other monsters to change the taste.

The starving monsters get just enough food every day to keep them from starving to death.

Even the Chimera locked in the corner of the wall could only get a Barbaric Bull leg every day, and usually had to rely on hunting other monsters in the arena to have a full meal.

Sometimes it would even be forcibly shared by Blackheart George with Otto, which was quite miserable.

As for Otto, in this month, he spent most of his time either eating, sleeping, or listening to bedtime stories from the little elf loli. His days were quite fulfilling.

If only there weren't those pungent smells around him...

Truth be told, Otto had already grown somewhat used to these pungent smells.

At this moment, he was casually gnawing on a Minotaur's thigh bone as if it were a spicy strip snack.

At first, he really resisted eating these monsters, but in the end, he couldn't escape the delicious fate.

"Successfully devoured Minotaur, obtained Low-level Wild Beast Heart 10/10, do you want to retain it..."

Looking at the information provided by the mysterious light ball in his mind, Otto curled his lips. Over the past month, he had learned a lot about this strange light ball.

In simple terms, he could devour other creatures to gain some of their abilities, and could choose whether to retain them for his own evolution.

If the swallowed amount was not enough to gain the ability, the light ball would kindly display a progress bar.

The light ball in his mind would only tell him the name of the ability, and he had to explore its specific function himself.

If he was dissatisfied with a newly gained ability, the light ball in his head kindly provided a handy removal feature, as simple as operating on instinct.

Over the past month, he had obtained many useful abilities through daily eating.

Of course, some useless or even dragging abilities, like rumination and hibernation, were also selectively removed by him.

Some abilities would bring certain changes to his body after being acquired.

For example, after he fully obtained the Low-level Monster Strength, his muscles became much larger.

When he obtained the Intermediate Thick Skin, he fell into a short period of deep sleep.

Sofia was so worried during that time, as if something happened to Otto, she would be in trouble.

However, when he woke up again, the scales on his body had become much thicker and denser.

And now, Otto quickly discovered that his perception seemed to have become much more sensitive.

Even with his eyes closed, he seemed to be able to clearly distinguish the positions and distances of the surrounding monsters.It seemed that the Wild Beast Heart allowed him to roughly assess the threat level of the monsters to himself.

"So, it's a scouting skill..."

Since it was a useful ability, he decided to keep it.

At this moment, Sofia, who was squatting in front of the cage, passed him another Barbaric Bull leg, and touched the smooth scales on his head in passing.

Otto quickly chewed up and swallowed the Barbaric Bull leg, but this time, the mysterious Light Ball in his mind didn't show any information.

Compared to the first time, Otto wasn't surprised. He already knew that the abilities he could gain from the same race were limited in most cases.

So now, the only use of the Barbaric Bull leg was to provide him with the necessary nutrition for growth.

After a month of constant eating, his body had grown by half, almost reaching a length of three meters.

This growth rate appeared fitting for a Dragon Beast in the eyes of those around him.

Now Otto's light blue-grey scales reflected faint silvery spots under the light.

His body was robust, muscles bulging, and if it weren't for the lack of dragon wings behind him, he looked like a thriving young dragon.

As he continued to enjoy the delicious Barbaric Bull leg, Sofia the elf girl reached into the cage to stroke the smooth scales while talking to herself.

Otto still had no intention of talking to her. Over the past few days, Otto had always been a listener.

He also learned from Sofia that she was not a pure Elf but a Half-Elf with half Dore Elf bloodline.

Her father's race was unknown, and her mother was a powerful Dore Ranger from the underground world.

Years ago, her mother took her from the underground world to Dawn Forest.

In that forest, a high-level Elf tribe reluctantly took them in after a dispute.

But that happiness didn't last long; the human army burned the forest and destroyed the tribe before the elite Elves could arrive. They stole the Elves' thousand-year treasury and abducted the young ones as slaves.

It was said that Sofia's mother died on the front lines defending against the invaders.

After a series of twists and turns, Sofia was bought by Blackheart George, who wanted to raise her and sell her to nobles in big cities.

Of course, there was a high probability that she would be bought by scumbags with unique preferences soon.

However, before that, Sofia had to work for him, at least she wouldn't starve.

Even after all these experiences, she didn't despair and maintained a relatively optimistic attitude; the Half-Elf girl had a tenacious heart.

With Sofia's company, Otto didn't find this filthy place as repulsive anymore.

"Little dragon, you might enter the arena tomorrow..."

Sofia's sudden words startled Otto, and he looked at her in surprise.

The Half-Elf girl looked worried, "Little dragon, don't die!"

Over the past month, Otto had eaten more and more, and his size had grown larger, looking like a ferocious beast.

But he ate too much; Blackheart George feared he would go bankrupt if this continued.

So, he decided to let Otto participate in the arena first, to see if it could make up for the expenses.

If the audience's feedback was average, he might consider selling Otto to Serbia early.

Compared to the little ticket money from the arena, selling slaves and good-looking monsters to big cities was his main income source.

Although Otto could more or less guess Blackheart George's thoughts, it didn't mean he could accept these results.

Looking at the snarling monsters around him, Otto felt tremendous pressure; he was a civilized dragon after all!