029 Aerial Battlefield_1

"Interesting game, can you count me in?"

Otto casually tossed away the half-dead wyvern carcass in his hand, while the surrounding wyverns and manticores became cautious and hesitant to make a move because of the sudden appearance of the massive silver dragon.

Cassiopeia looked at Otto with delight, having already forgotten how she had cursed him in her heart earlier. The appearance of the silver dragon brought a new turnaround to their slowly failing battle scenario.

However, for Red Dragon Sitte Bragg, it was not good news. The sudden intervention of Otto had completely caught him off guard, and it could even potentially ruin the victory he was about to achieve.

This seemed to be a metallic dragon with mixed bloodlines, and judging by its size, it was only a youngling. It could be easily crushed in his grasp.

He looked at Otto disdainfully, most color dragons and metallic dragons do not get along, and Sitte Bragg was no exception, especially when he felt that the other party's bloodline was impure and their strength was weak.

The red dragon mocked the green dragon, saying: "A mixed-blood metallic dragon? Associating with such scum, Mother of Evil Dragons Tiamat above, Cassiopeia, you really bring shame to the face of color dragons. Countless evil dragons will despise your actions."

It was just talk; Cassiopeia didn't care about that kind of rhetoric.

Just by size alone, Otto was certainly inferior, but as long as he could deal with the wyverns and manticores, he could join forces with Cassiopeia.

By that time, the red dragon would face the combined assault of her, the silver dragon, and the chimera. Victory would eventually belong to her.

If things went smoothly, she could also eliminate the trouble brought by this red dragon together with Otto, once and for all.

"Sitte Bragg, right? This is the first time I've heard your name, but it's not the first time I've known of your stupidity..."

She looked at the red dragon and scoffed: "In this battle, you're destined to fail. But if you're willing to swear loyalty to me and offer your treasures, perhaps I can spare you and save you from your inevitable death."

This was almost the same as what the red dragon said earlier. To the proud and even arrogant Sitte Bragg, it was undoubtedly a huge insult.

"Don't think that with the help of a weak mixed-blood dragon, you can defeat the great Wings of Flame..."


Red Dragon's words had not finished when Otto interrupted him. He had been left out of the conversation for a while now, which made him somewhat unhappy.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Red Dragon. I don't care what your name is, but right now, I have some questions for my employer!"

Otto looked at Cassiopeia and pretended to be puzzled, asking: "Respected Mother of Thorns, you know I've always been very respectful to you, but I heard you're going to reclaim my territory? That won't work. Perhaps I should remind you that if there isn't enough compensation, our cooperation will be invalid, and the employment relationship will naturally cease to exist!"

It was a threat! Damn the silver dragon, where is the respect he talks about? Sitte Bragg was right; he was just an impure-blooded mongrel!

Otto's words completely rubbed away the little bit of fondness that had risen within Cassiopeia, but before she had the chance to utter any cursing words, the red dragon spoke first.

"Oh? Looks like you're not a familiar of this green dragon?"

Red dragons were usually arrogant, rude, and full of themselves, but they were not fools. He gathered much information from Otto's words.

Maybe it was a good idea to cooperate with this silver dragon and deal with Cassiopeia first; even just getting him not to meddle would be a good outcome.

Of course, once the threat of the green dragon was gone, a not yet matured mixed-blood silver dragon would naturally be an easy target for manipulation.

Otto had only intended to intimidatste Cassiopeia a little, to let her know that he was not a follower of hers, nor a weakling to be bullied at will.

But he didn't expect this red dragon to actually join the conversation, which made things quite unexpected.

So, Otto looked at him and jokingly said: "Yes, Lord Red Dragon, my relationship with this green dragon lady is just a business one. She gives me territory, and I do things for her. It's that simple."

Red Dragon Sitte Bragg tentatively said: "Maybe I can offer a higher price to replace her and your employment relationship, like more territory and food, or maybe even a part of her treasure vault..."

"Sounds good, but..."

Otto seemed tempted, but in his heart, he secretly cursed the red dragon upside down. A red dragon willing to share treasure with others? That's a joke of cosmic proportions."


Cassiopeia stared at Otto angrily: "Silver Dragon, as long as you help me solve this trouble, I will naturally take back those words. You can still rule your territory, and besides, I can forget some things, such as a certain shameful traitor or a half-elf brat."

She referred to the Lizardman Clan and Sofia. The Lizardman Clan had been exerting little effort, and with the recent unusual activities, how could she not know?

She originally planned to exterminate the treacherous Lizardman Clan after the battle, and incidentally corrupt herself a new half-elf pet.

And soon, she mentioned the most critical point.

"Or do you really think a red dragon would allow a metallic dragon like you to live in his territory?"

That was a fact. The red dragon spat flames, rushing towards Cassiopeia in anger. As long as he could defeat the green dragon quickly, he would ultimately be the victor.

Cassiopeia roared as she wrestled with the red dragon. The red dragon was much more powerful, but not unstoppable, and she would prove it with facts.

The aerial battlefield's chaos resumed. Wyverns and chimeras fought each other ruthlessly, while manticores lurked nearby, waiting for an opportunity to launch a sneak attack.

In such a lively scene, Otto was not idle either. He plunged into the battlefield of wyverns and chimeras, slaughtering them quickly and reducing their numbers.

A wyvern had just pierced its tail spike into a chimera's body, gripping the chimera's spine tightly with its claws.

The three heads of the chimera bit the wyvern's neck, body, and tail like iron clamps, inflicting mutual damage in a flash.

At that moment, Otto appeared. But he didn't save the chimera that belonged to his supposed ally. Instead, he breathed scorching flames from his mouth, roasting the two gigantic beasts struggling in midair.

The severely injured beasts no longer had the power to fly in the air, and they fell into the group of monsters on the ground like a crashing plane, and were instantly brutally torn apart and devoured by all sorts of creatures.

Otto was attempting to reduce both sides' strength as a third-party force, which was the most advantageous choice for him.

Of course, things couldn't get too carried away, and Cassiopeia, who was at a disadvantage in her battle against the two dragons, urgently needed his support. But there was no need to rush too much.