066 There is an Insider_1

Fast forward to two days ago, the day after Otto led the ogres away from the Land of the Soaring Dragon.

The moonlight shone brightly, and the surrounding area of the Land of the Soaring Dragon was silent, occasionally interrupted by the pleasant chirping of insects.

Responsible for guarding at night were several adult Lizardman Warriors who dutifully stood at their posts.

They occasionally chatted about domestic matters or gossiped maliciously about the Green Dragon and the Red Dragon.

In an unattended corner under the moonlight, a Quilboar skillfully climbed over the surrounding wall, landing lightly on the outside with hardly any noise.

He cautiously looked around to make sure he hadn't attracted any attention and then quietly left the area.

However, what he didn't notice was that under the moonlight, a pair of faintly glowing beastly eyes watched him from behind a pile of grass.