084 Carnival and Magic Wand_1

It wasn't until that afternoon that Sofia leisurely returned to the Land of the Soaring Dragon.

After the little girl's return, the harvest festival could finally be held normally.

Although the carefully prepared roast meat and other foods had cooled down, the monster races living in the Nolan Forest didn't mind at all.

Although the Green Dragon's treasure vault was relatively barren, Sofia still completely emptied it, based on the viewpoint that having something is better than nothing.

Not even a single copper coin was left behind.

Other than the Green Dragon's treasure vault, she also accidentally gained other harvests.

These were some precious and rare magic materials, which seemed to be prepared for the Enlightenment Skill.

That's right, they were the materials Cassiopeia had prepared for the Rotten Blood Multi-headed Serpent Lizard at the time, but now they benefited Sofia.

Many of the precious materials in them could be used for other magic research.