094 The Last Dignity_1

The Gnoll had temporarily lost its sanity, and its deranged mind was only focused on tearing everything around it to pieces.

Sofia calmly noted this down in her notebook.

Shortly after, the Gnoll's advance was blocked by the thick cage.

It roared madly, its claws, like dragon claws, leaving deep marks on the cage in front of it.

The power was astonishing; if left unchecked, the cage made of ordinary iron wrapped around hardwood would not last long.

"Alright, it's time to test the effect of the Blood Covenant..."

Sofia used Mage Hand to toss the notebook on her desk and then took out another corresponding dragon scale.

Her delicate, trimmed fingernails slightly scratched the dragon scale, and the previously brutally vicious Gnoll immediately clutched its head in pain and crouched on the ground, wailing continuously.

The inability to betray Otto on their own accord is a prerequisite of the Blood Covenant.