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Moray was indeed quite arrogant...

But when he saw Sofia silently take out a silver dragon scale, the guy immediately quieted down.

Otto said solemnly: "The Lait people are more formidable than we imagined, and the new Lait King has gained even more troops.

I am somewhat worried that in the end, things might go beyond our expectations."

"But does that have anything to do with us?"

Moray looked carefree and continued: "Humans...haha! This race is always like this. Even though they belong to the same species, they can still divide themselves into countless different countries and factions.

If they could unite, they would have already ruled the entire Prime Material Plane.

Just let them fight amongst themselves. The more they die, the better for us, isn't it?"

"I don't care about the survival of humans..."

Otto shook his head and then said: "What I care about is the source of the new Lait King's strong army, which is likely to be several different True Dragons."