163 King of Black Iron_1

Ever since learning about King Farrand's shameful surrender, Otto had increased his investment in reconnaissance forces.

Whether it was the Lizardman Scouts riding Giant Eagles or the Hawkmen, all were sent out.

Previously, those human slaves marked with extension sentences also began to intermittently pass back some useful and useless intelligence.

Saru had to face a large amount of information every day. He needed to pick out useful and important intelligence from it and then forward it to Otto, so he was quite busy.

The Black Iron Dwarves in the Sulfur Mountains were also working hard, as set after set of exquisite weapons and equipment produced by the dwarves were returned to the Land of the Soaring Dragon by Chimera and the Wyverns.

Thunder and his clansmen had completely fallen into the role of transport tools.

Many Black Iron Dwarf elders had rushed to the Sulfur Mountains, and even Otto's attempts to entertain them were immediately rejected.