197 Storm Core_1

Seeing a lightning spear coming at him, Otto remained calm.

He casually grabbed a stone giant and thrust it in front of him like a stone pillar, blocking Tatoo's lightning spear.

After repeating this move several times, the stone giants that had surrounded Otto became his best shield.

The lightning magic used by Tatoo and Kana hardly posed any threat to him.

Occasionally some lightning magic would penetrate the stone giant shields, but the amount and quality were so generic that it no longer had any effect on Otto.

Despite this, Kana spoke to Tatoo with a hint of despair: "This Silver Dragon is too powerful. Even in front of a Red Dragon of the same size, I don't feel this helpless.

Even together, we are no match for him. Maybe we should run..."

"Run? Where can we run to? Our master will never let us go!"

Tatoo shook his head, then took out a strange crystal, his eyes filled with determination.

It was the Storm Core, a gift from his master Leytras.