220 Great Kind Dragon Welin_1

It seemed that Welin did not want to let Otto and Sofia go easily.

Looking at her, Otto frowned, thinking that Welin seemed to take him for a fool.

At this moment, Sofia, who was sitting on Otto's shoulder, suddenly asked: "By the way, we don't even know your name yet.

You just said we're friends, right? So, let's start with a self-introduction."

"How rude of me, I forgot!"

The blue-haired girl hesitated for a moment and then touched her head, embarrassedly saying, "Welin, just call me Welin!"

Well, now it's settled.

Sofia and Otto exchanged a bitter smile and communicated with their eyes.

"I'm Sofia, and he's Otto."

Then, Sofia continued: "It seems that you are indeed short of money lately.

Fortunately, we're also in need of an attendant for odd jobs, would you be interested?"

Seeing that they couldn't shake off this trouble, they might as well be generous and keep her with them, as a favor for Konoheim.
