225 Father and Daughter_1

Upon returning to the Land of the Soaring Dragon, Otto first led a group of people to the Council Chamber in Blackstone Castle.

The space here was the largest, and Otto felt more comfortable moving around in his dragon form.

However, Vilin soon sensed that something was not right.

"You... you're a Silver Dragon?"

Watching Otto in his Dragonman form merge into his true form, Vilin was so shocked that she couldn't speak clearly for a moment.

Suddenly, she had a bad premonition.

And soon enough, her ominous feeling came true.

"Ah, my lovely little Vilin!"

The familiar voice made her feel goosebumps all over her body and her hands and feet turned cold despite the hot weather.

When she mechanically turned her head, she was enthusiastically embraced by a weird-looking man.

Vilin's mouth twitched, and then with all her strength, she punched him away, leaving a human-shaped imprint on the wall at the edge of the Council Chamber.
