242 Old Popsicle Flavor_1

Actually, Johnny didn't know much information, as his status in Lauren City was quite ordinary.

Even more, he had only recently joined Lauren City, which was why his spirit, or faith, wasn't as strong as the others.

In fact, if it wasn't for his talent in casting spells, he wouldn't have been admitted to Lauren City at all.

And his reason for joining was simple: the conditions here were quite good.

Providing food and housing, as well as finely crafted equipment, apart from the monthly salary being just a few characters, and having no recreational places nearby, it was almost a perfect workplace.

With the limited information provided by Johnny, Otto's mind began to form some bold guesses.

This so-called God of Light and Hope should be a false deity created by the white-robed elder.

The reason it took on the form of the Light Giant was probably due to the absorption of enough power of faith, or perhaps there was something special about its statue.