281 Yellow Sand City Fierce Battle_1

If it were merely about a frontal battle, many Dore Warriors were no match for tall monsters like Ogres.

Comparatively, they were more agile and almost all of them were equipped with excellent short swords and hand crossbows.

Normally they were difficult opponents, but the narrow surrounding area temporarily put them at a disadvantage.

However, as more powerful subterranean creatures like Spider-transformed Elves and Swamp Bearmen climbed over the low temporary walls, the situation changed.

Soon, many Dore Mages, Priests, and other subterranean race Spellcasters had appeared not far outside of Yellow Sand City.

They raised their Wands high, and then various spells such as Magic Missiles, Lightning beams, Freezing rays, and Fireball skills bombarded the low temporary walls.

These temporary low walls built by Ogre Mages' spells didn't help much, and after being bombarded by various spells, they were already on the verge of collapsing.
