303 Blend with the environment

Outside Har City, behind a hidden massive rock, several new visitors were hiding.

A strange silver dragon-man, a half-elf wrapped in a robe, a blue-haired human girl with an explosive figure wearing revealing clothes, and a red-haired elf dressed as a warrior.

Uh, there was also a weirdly shaped wand floating in mid-air.

Needless to say, it was Otto and his group.

At this moment, the scorching sun was overhead, and the loess under their feet and the huge rocks in front of them were being baked by high heat, becoming extremely hot. But none of the people present would care about this small problem.

Red Lotus of Fire, who had taken the form of a red-haired elf, peeked out from behind the huge rock, carefully sizing up Har City.

Har City was the territory of Metal Dragons, and she was one of the Color Dragons. Even though they had a unified goal for now, it was still highly likely they would be beaten up if they met face-to-face.