328 Hero and Villain_1

Looking back on Otto's evolution since he crossed into this world, apart from the battle of Mother of Thorns and Wings of Flame, this was undoubtedly the time he absorbed the most diverse abilities, and at the same time, the greatest change to his body.

Based on the changes in his body, Otto the Silver Dragon-man made a simple estimate.

If he left his main body unchecked, it would probably be two or three years before he completely absorbed the abilities and transformed his body.

However, the situation on the continent has been changing rapidly recently, and Otto doesn't have that much time to waste.

So, he thought of the help Sofia had given him when he was in a deep slumber.

But now, with his terrifying size, relying on Sofia's small body seemed like a drop in the bucket.

As a result, he set his sights on Crimson Fire.

This Red Dragon was an incredibly useful tool without any rewards required!

With that in mind, he put his plan into action.