330 Norton's Visit_1

The three members of the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce who were imprisoned in Yellow Sand City were rescued by Angelina.

Of course, Angelina wouldn't dare to do so without Otto's permission.

Thus, another month passed.

Although Otto's main body still hadn't awakened from its slumber, the Dragon Bone Wasteland had gradually ceased to be peaceful.

Many heroic warriors and even criminals had gathered here, but the first to draw Otto's attention were not them.

Moreover, most of them gathered on the edge of the Dragon Bone Wasteland, and if nothing unexpected happened or there was no chosen one to lead them, these mobs would not dare to easily venture into the Dragon Bone Wasteland.

However, some stubborn fellows formed adventurer squads and entered the interior of Dragon Bone Wasteland, only to meet their end by being torn apart by monsters or undead.