359 The Final Battle_1

Limited by the problem of scarce food supply and the fact that the supply team could no longer arrive on time.

At present, it seemed that the only option left for the Dawn Legion was to fight all out with Purgatory City!

Their ultimate goal was to annihilate all the undead, and after having been involved with Purgatory City for so long, it was time for a decisive battle to determine the outcome.

Of course, even if they wiped out the undead inside Purgatory City, the problem of food shortage could not be solved.

As the undead did not need to eat, there would naturally be no food reserves in the city.

Perhaps there would be some food for the Purgatory Demon Dragon, but for the immense Dawn Legion, it was totally insignificant.

But even if there were no spoils of war, it didn't matter, because the intense battle would surely result in a significant reduction in the number of the Dawn Legion.

With fewer mouths needing to eat, the demand for food would naturally decrease.