408 I Want That Wand_1

Ignoring the large group of bloodline monsters blocking his way, Otto looked down at the seemingly unremarkable cavern below and casually threw a fireball at it.


Even a casual fireball from Otto had an extraordinary power, blasting a huge pit near the entrance of the cavern.

If people didn't know the truth, they might have thought it was an earthquake.

At the moment Otto made this move, the bloodline monsters nearby showed panicked expressions.

It seemed that Otto's guess was correct—the Scarlet Creator was hiding there.

Half a day had passed without any movement, and then with a smirk on his face, Otto threw another fireball below.

At this time, some bloodline monsters were rushing over in a panic, trying to stop Otto, but before they could get close, they were blocked by the Red Lotus Flames.

"Are you coming out or not?"

With no concern for being interrupted, Otto looked down at the cavern somewhat bored, not wanting to waste too much time here.