411 Let's Begin_1

Stania Floating City.

If you look up from below, it looks like a huge rock or a small mountain flying in the sky.

Underneath the bumpy, angular floating city, if you look closely, you can see many dark holes.

And within each hole, a Magic Cannon is hidden.

For Stania, these rare Magic Cannons are the most basic and outermost defense.

With a teleportation of sight, numerous Mage's Spires can be found on this floating city.

Near the spires, there are many low, ordinary buildings, housing not only residences, but also various shops.

These shops usually sell materials or items related to Spellcasters, and the shopkeepers are usually Spellcasters as well.

However, their abilities and talents are quite average. After finding out that they can't make it as mages, they unwillingly leave and find a livelihood here instead.

From the architectural style and the degree of decay of the outer walls, these buildings are mostly not from the same era.