421 Truth's Sigh_1

What did he see?

Instead of the anticipated sight of bare bones, Otto's previously rotting scales had surprisingly grown back.

Not only that, under the illumination of the Truth beam, the obsidian-like black scales were refracting bizarre light, making them appear dazzlingly brilliant.

But Chris had no time to appreciate this beauty, his heart was in his throat, his eyes wide open, his forehead drenched in cold sweat, and his breathing alarmingly rapid, as if he was about to collapse.

Paton, who was struggling to control the Cannon of Truth's output, noticed Chris's unusual condition. While carefully maintaining the Truth beam output, he cautiously looked at the magic barrier from Chris's direction.

As a result, a second later, old Paton instantly became a replica of Chris.

How was it possible? The output of the Cannon of Truth had clearly reached its limit, yet instead of dying, the damned Black Dragon not only survived, it even seemed to adapt.